coral propagation

  1. PinkSango

    What are your best tips for someone wanting to build a business with coral

    As the title asks, what are your best tips for someone wanting to build a business propagating coral? I'm new to the hobby and it's always been my dream to have my own coral farm. (Even possibly help researchers and scientists with building back our natural reefs in some way??)
  2. ChuneReef

    Plastic Tubs/Boxes/Reservoirs - Where to find?

    Does anyone know where you can acquire plastic reservoirs for aquaculture like the one seen below at the WWC facility? I've seen similar reservoirs at the local coral dealer. Are these custom-made? I'm not sure what I should even be looking for online... I'm currently using a Botinicare...
  3. S

    Corals and sponges and algae oh my!

    Heya yall! I got one heck of a doozie for you! I bought a live rock for some sponge growing on it but I noticed what looks like a coral...or more than one type? I have no idea if the second one is a coral. It looks like it has coral features. Likewise, I'm almost certain this is a coral...
  4. Reefman603

    Build Thread My Red Sea max 250

    Here’s is my Red Sea max 250 reef tank. Live stock : - Black frostbite clown fish mated pair - Yellow tang - Red hawkfish - Green chromis - Malanaurus wrasse Inverts : - A few peppermint shrimp - Tridacna derasa clam - 8 Blue leg hermit crabs - Various snails Coral : - Hammers ( wall and...
Aquariums Wholesale Live coral auctions every week