coral pro salt mix

  1. W

    Redsea coral pro mixing

    Hi I’m new to mixing my own salt water. I use redsea coral pro. I do a 10L water change every week. I follow the recommended 38.2g per litre of RO water, so for my 10L water change I would require 382g. I test salinity around 1.5 hours after adding the salt to find I have a specific gravity of...
  2. mattdg

    Auto Water Change - Salt Change Idea (higher alk / cal to reduce daily two part input)

    I have recently successfully implemented an auto water change system into my 120 gallon mixed reef, and I absolutely love it. I'd now like to pick your brains regarding the salt I am using and the one I may start using. Currently I mix up around 55 gallons of Red Sea salt, every month or so...
  3. redeyejedi

    Build Thread The simple way of reefing.

    I thought i would do a build thread on my 130l juwel tank, to show there are many ways to keep coral. Buts its all about stability. I got my tank from a close friend of mine for free. When it was first set up at mine and my wifes place it looked like this 5 years ago. After waiting 6 months we...