coral placment

  1. robreefer91

    Coral placement

    I have an unknown coral top right. I have a torch top left and gsp which is on the bottom right rock currently not open. I have frag resin coming and would like to know the best placement for these coral. I know gsp can take over so I have it on a separate rock so it can be on it’s own island...
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    Montipora Placement

    So I posted this in SPS and butchered the title. But I am wondering if my new rainbow monti will grow ok on the back wall of my biocube 16 LED? I have it setting on my lower rocks right now so it can adjust to my lighting.
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Torch coral safety circle

    Hey guys. Im picking up my first torch coral tomorrow. Its a firefly torch and should be around the smaller size. I have a biocube 32 led tank I plan to put it in. I was wondering what kind of radius around my torch should I keep to prevent it from stinging anything? I have a hammer coral...
  4. B

    Help with coral and placement?

    I am running a 16g bio cube currently, with some zoas, acan, mushrooms and a Duncan. I want to start a zoa garden and get more coral but I am just wondering which corals can touch and which ones should be placed by themselves. Also I the acans are doing great but I’m thinking of moving them...
  5. Brocksreef117

    Help with coral placement!?

    Hey I am fairly new to the saltwater hobby and was wondering if any pros can help me with the placement of these newly bought corals, it’s greatly appreciated
  6. Taxus812

    How far apart to place frags in QT ?

    Things don't always go as planned and I am back asking for help again. I got to go to my first coral show over the weekend. Since it was my first time going to one, never dipped coral and never QT'ed, the plan was simple, raid the bargain bins. I also wanted to meet venders, get business...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens