coral identity

  1. H

    Polyp extension very nice!!!

    IDK what coral this is but the polyp extension has been super great and wonder if it will explode even more. I’m thinking it’s a stylo but haven’t found any close to this coloration. purple with blue rings and yellow polyps. Would like to frag this as well
  2. H

    Is this mushroom dying or multiple heads?

    Seen this at LFS and like the coloration. Just confused as to why it look as if it’s dying? Any help on ID the type of mushroom if it one
  3. A

    Rescued coral ID?

    I got a ton of coral from my university because they're done researching them and didn't know what to do with them. They're in rough shape because they aren't aquarists (microbiologists). Most have too little flesh to get an accurate ID so I've cleaned the algae off their exposed skeletons, gave...
  4. J

    occelaris or perc??

    Unlike the other clowns in my tank, this one has more orange around its pupils. Is this a percula?
  5. S

    Coral identification?

    Hey all! Very new to keeping saltwater reef tanks and new to this forum as well. I was at my lfs here in NYC and they had a sale of $10 frags with a huge selection. I picked up a few acclimated and put them in the tank. They’ve been going good so far. I was hoping someone could identify these...
  6. Randomwhiteguy89

    Help identify this chalice

    I bought this chalice for $40 and was told it’s a rainbow chalice but all the pictures of rainbow chalices I look up are different especially the color of the eye/mouth I was wondering if anybody had any idea what it was
Atlantik Icon  reef aquarium LED Bar