coral identification

  1. H

    Polyp extension very nice!!!

    IDK what coral this is but the polyp extension has been super great and wonder if it will explode even more. I’m thinking it’s a stylo but haven’t found any close to this coloration. purple with blue rings and yellow polyps. Would like to frag this as well
  2. H

    What’s growing on the side of my pipe organ???!

    After cleaning my nano tank after upgrading from IO to Red Sea coral pro salt (A1 stuff) I was scrubbing algae off a couple coral and seen a white skeleton growing on the underside of the pipe organ. Not sure if it’s an Acro???
  3. J

    Is this euphyllia baliensis?

    Hi guys, recently been seeing these sold as “mini hammers”. Never really seen many till about 3 years ago. Even more common now coming out of bali and maricultured. They have rounder tips, smaller thinner skeletons. They definitely dont look like the normal hammers im used to seeing here in...
  4. H

    Coral ID????!

    Just wondering if this a stylocoeniella????? Im planning on encrusting some rock work with this coral and im looking forward to some nice polyp extension
  5. H


    It’s for like a mushroom with fat tentacles but not a torch, I’ve also seen other color variations such as green mouth and purple tentacles
  6. H

    Is this mushroom dying or multiple heads?

    Seen this at LFS and like the coloration. Just confused as to why it look as if it’s dying? Any help on ID the type of mushroom if it one
  7. altantuyaathedoll

    Coral identify

    What type of coral is this ? what is the name of it ? I bought it from my lfs and was told it’s clove pollyps but it’s been a week and there’s no pollyps to be seen it is alive though. The coral is at the top Middle portion of the photo I attached.
  8. altantuyaathedoll

    Coral identity

    Please can someone tell me hat type of coral this is I bought it not knowing what it is.
  9. CoralHubb

    Sps coral identification

    Please let me know if this belongs in a different forum category. I have quite a few coral that I’ve acquired and forget the names of. I’m in the USA market (if that matters) so the “designer name” would be helpful as most people here want to know the fancy name or they don’t buy frags. I will...
  10. SelkieSam

    Mystery purple Leather coral not opening

    Hi, I bought this neat purple coral that was only labeled as “leather”. Can anyone help me identify it so I can know better where it might like to be placed in the tank? I tried a couple of spots but it’s hard to know if it will open up more just by waiting or if it wants more/less flow. Thanks...
  11. Jcastro8562

    Torch ID?

    Hi everyone , got this new torch recently and wondering if there's a name for this guy. Thanks in advance!
  12. BaraCats

    Soft Coral & Possible Sponge ID

    I’d love to know more specific names for my softies as many Aussie LFS use very broad terms when selling them. It feels like everything is some type of leather, even if it’s something else entirely. Any ideas on species/names for the corals below? sold as a ‘finger leather’ This guy (the...
  13. Jesse Sunday

    Help ID these...

    Good morning Reefers! I have a 32 Biocube that's been running for a month now... live rock donated from a friend's tank. I LOVE all the life that came with the live rock, but I have NO idea what most of it is. There's a white (almost slime-looking?) growth that "sprouts" little tree-looking...
  14. wraggederrick

    LPS Favia ID

    Hi I saw this favia coral on Aqua SD but I wasn’t able to get. Does anyone know the name of this and where I can find more? Thanks.
  15. Aquaplumb

    Coral identification

    G day. Ive got a question I’m looking for a I.D on a coral I have picked up from the local fish shop. Not exactly sure what it is I first thought it is some type of birds nest, it has a purple skeleton with neon green polyps. The shop didn’t seem to be able to tell me exactly what it was as the...
  16. I

    Anyone know what this is? it came in on my frag of zoas.

    it wasn’t this big when i got it. it just kept growing more and more till it got to this size. and to be completely honest, i kind of like it and would probs prefer it to be on its own with no zoas.
  17. Renaissance corals

    Coral identification

    Just received a mystery five pack + freebie from AquaSD. I need help identifying theses. I know that one is a candy cane, and I think I may know what the others are, but I'm not certain. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  18. Rham1281

    Are these zoas?

    I got these from my LFS and they look like the have a zoa-like polyp, but they're quite tall. Any thoughts?
  19. C

    Identifying torch coral

    Can someone help identify this torch coral ?
  20. vaguelyreeflike

    Can I get an ID on these frags?

    These were the best pics i was able to get for now, with and without white light(flash)
  21. ReeferHendrix

    Shroom ID

    I’ve underestimated shrooms for to long and finally been adding some found this huge one for a steal and was wondering what kind it might be tia!
  22. C

    Can somebody ID this for me please?

    Got this frag at a shop, I was told this is Australophyllia Wilsoni. Did some searches and cant seem to find anything like it. The closest thing i can think of is some sort of Acan.
  23. H

    Encrusting Coral ID Needed

    Hi all, I got some frags from my LFS yesterday and could use an ID on one of them. It's a dark orange color with a yellow/green undertone. It's got a fuzzy texture and has little orange bumps throughout. Thanks!
  24. H

    Encrusting Coral ID

    Hi all, I picked up a few frags from my LFS yesterday and need an ID on one of them. It's a reddish orange with a yellow/green undertone with little yellow bumps throughout. Thanks!
  25. Renaissance corals

    Zoanthid id

    I got these zoas about a month ago with no label. Really want to know what they are. Or if they are something new. Any help would be appreciated.
Ecotech Marine