coral emergency

  1. D

    Is my Candy Cane Torch Dead

    So I have been posting on here about my torch completely shrinking, but today a huge chunk of it fell off and it now looks like this. Is it dead? Should I take it out of the tank. If interested in parameters, look at my last post. Thanks in advance.
  2. IE Reefer

    Gel Super Glue covering Acan

    Just a bit ago, I decided to take my acan off of it's frag plug and tried to glue it onto a rock. After I put a glob of super glue onto the acan, I realized that I put it on the actual polyp and not the underside. What should I do to remove it? I tried to use a tooth brush to remove most of the...
  3. H

    Candy Cane - irritated and receding - pest?

    We got this trumpet coral March 21st. We dipped it in iodine when we first got it and started it in the bottom of the tank. The first picture (in the dark) was taken on March 26 - showing it's feeders. On March 28th we moved it to the middle of the tank (second pic shows it's location). When we...
  4. Landers

    Please help I think my coral is dying!

    Hello I’m a new reefer and I just got my first three corals yesterday. I came home today and my gorgonian is all wilted. I don’t know what this means or what I did wrong but is it dead? Is there something I can do?
  5. StephenMcn

    Red plate montipora bleaching?

    Hi, can someone help me out and tell me if this Is a sign of early bleaching? Excuse the excessive glue it was my first frag
  6. R


    I was buffering my salt water tank and accidentally used proper ph 7.0 for my fresh water tank and immediately corrected with marine buffer. my ph is now normal but my corals arnt doing great and a couple died already what can i do
  7. Cstar_BC

    911: Torch tissue receding

    Hi , This torch was added on wed 19 and has been fine up until today . The torches next to it are fine - don’t notice any bugs Parameters Salinity: 1.025 Nitrate : 40 (I did a 30% WC ) Dkh : 9.4 Temp is always 76.6-76.8 This is the problem one Just to show that the others are okay and...
  8. HellaDudes

    Desperate for help, tank crash imminent! (pics)

    So the past week has been a bad one for my reef tank. Everything was looking good until about a week ago. Almost all my LPS, especially my euphyllia, are receding/not opening up their polyps at all (see pics below). Some of the soft corals are doing terribly; my kenya tree and ricordia mushrooms...
  9. P

    Damage Control - 91 Degrees Dying SPS

    Hello All, I've got sad news and looking for help and advice to nurse/heal corals exposed to heat. Tank was 91 degrees Fahrenheit last night due to being out of town, another family member turned all A/C to the house off. Maybe two days exposure to the heat. Turned lighting off Performed a...
  10. oneilwiz

    Frogspawn Coral slowly Dieing

    Hello reefers, Have you guys ever experience frog spawn coral just shedding from the skeleton of the coral ? while other frogspawn colonies in the tank perfectly fine. Not even seeing any brown jelly nor is this coral being blasted with powerhead or being stung. Tank: Waterbox 20 Light: Radion...
  11. MCatano

    Cynarina not doing good, please help.

    Hi Everyone, Out of nowhere my Cynarina are looking bad. I have not changed anything, moved them or added anything new to the tank. I will show a current pic and how they were last week. Any help would be great. Parameters have been steady at : Salinity= 1.024 PH= 8.3 CA= 430 MG= 1290 No3= 10...
  12. Pablopufferfish

    Ricordea acting very strange

    Hello, my Ricordea has been acting strange recently and it now looks like this: Can someone tell me what’s happening? I’m very worried.
  13. 420yoshi

    Corals dying

    So, I bought a montipora red cap and a green duncan, and did a water change... the next day, my cap is turning white and my torch coral just melted.... i thi nk due to some chemical warfare between my palys and my new duncans.... can anyone let me know if these corals are gonna be goners? The...
  14. R

    Help I don't know whats wrong

    I'm fairly new to salt water but things aren't going well. I have a 55 gallon tank with ~40 lbs of live rock. I have 5 fish, A toby puffer fish, a clown pair, a pajama cardinal, and a watchman golby, I also have a clam which I believe is a leafy jewel box (got him accidentally but its doing...
  15. T

    Duncun coral help

    This morning I noticed these small white bumps on my coral and I have no idea what it is I’ve had it for around 2 weeks and it always stays open and eats fine. Is something wrong I checked my tank parameters and they where all ok. I have two zoan frags one duncun and one torch all have at least...
  16. S550stang

    Is this euphyllia torch coral dead?

    Hi, can someone tell me if this coral in the pic is dead? I cut the heads because they closed and never opened again and it was dying and I read somewhere online that if you cut the dead head it might survive, it still looks green and it doesn’t smell yet, I use to have it close to the surface...