coral dying

  1. SimonMo

    Coral loses tissue in strange way! Please help!

    Hello, my coral lost tissue in very strange way - about half of each polyp lost tissue. I don't know what could be the reason. I got this coral about 5 days ago and it looked very well. I have very good parameters.I keep sucesfully corals such as acropora, fungia, micromussa, euphyllia, chalice...
  2. Z

    What’s wrong with my hammerhead? It’s turning black.

  3. A

    GSP dead?

    My GSP got covered in hair algae but was still opening just fine. One day i decided to brush it off and ended up hurting it a bit. It began to open less until this point where i believe it’s dead. Is there a way to revive it or is it long gone?
  4. Harken

    EMERGENCY Corals slowly dying (the odyssey)

    Hi everyone, This drama has been going on for quite some time now, so I will try and cut straight to the important bits. I have a 130L tank, that's being on for over an year now, and I've been battling GHA since the beginning (which was carried over my previous tank, that's on me *facepalm*)...
  5. ajtomase

    Bloated Blasto

    I have this blasto directly under my powerhead which it was puffy for a while. I then saw it this evening to look like this. Is it dying? Anything i can do to save it?
  6. N

    My frogspawn died overnight

    Hello everyone, this morning I woke up to a strange white skeleton in my tank and when I got closer I saw that it was my green and purple frogspawn. It has been in my tank for 5 months with low light to aclamate it to my tank. It was doing really well these past weeks but this morning it just...
  7. djm

    Hammer Coral Help

    I’ve had a branching hammer coral for around 9 months and it’s been doing really well. Earlier today it was fully extended and happy. This evening I’ve looked and it is very shrunken and looks like a brown ballon coming from its mouth. Never seen it do this before. what could this be?
  8. Oggey

    Coral dying, Salinity spike!?

    Have a 75 Gallon mixed reef tank with sump, skimmer, cheato, 2 part dosing. System been running for 3+ years My wife noticed a bunch of empty snail shells at bottom, more then few extra I have for hermit crabs to use. Looking deeper found bunch of snails had died, blastomusto pulled in and not...
  9. A

    Xenia falling apart?

    I had a pulsing Xenia come in the mail yesterday from a frag pack. All but a couple polyps have fallen off and they are stringy looking. Could I save it if so how ? Will post a pic later. (Btw I did do all the acclimation steps).
  10. Herides

    Trachyphillia Dying? Flesh turning brown and white and decaying?

    This is the current state of one side of my poor trachy. I got him about 2 weeks ago and on the day after successfully acclimating, inflated like a balloon, ever since though he's been pretty tight to his skeleton, and now it's gotten so bad I think I can see skeleton and I'm seeking help. I've...
  11. C_Reefer

    Help!! Something is killing my Montipora!

    Hello! I recently purchased a montipora capricornis online and it has undertaken some serious damage. At first I thought it was bleaching but I don’t think that’s the case as the other corals I have, including 2 other montis of different species, are doing just fine. Perhaps something is eating...
  12. E

    All my corals dying

    So no matter what I do most of my corals are slowly dying all except my 2 hammer corals, it’s my softies like clove polyps and purple anthelia that are dying first my purple anthelia was the first to go and the rest are still hanging on, my tank parameters are, ammonia 0, nitrates 5-10 , ph 8.2...
  13. Mickeyfairlane

    Brown/Red hair algae, coral dying

    Hi all, I recently had an outbreak of brownish reddish stringy algae in a year old, 30 gallon tank. (which I think was dinos) I dosed Vibrant as per instructions and now my alveopora/zoas/ric are closed up and seem to be dying. Monti's seem to be fine however. I did a lot of manual removal of...
  14. Mtrimble7

    I need help please.

    Been having so many issues. I've read and read and watched videos but something isn't right. Here's my parameters followed by my issues and pictures. Any help and advice would help. Thanks in advance. MG 1440 Alk 9.8 Ca 490 Nitrate 0-5 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 Salinity 35 Red sea reefer max 260...
  15. Ryan Hilton

    Help ID growth on pink monti sps

    Need help ID this growth and how to get rid of it. It’s very slow growing. A dark brownish green color. Won’t scrape off. I used vibrant for green bubble algae and it didn’t slow this growth. 2 photos are from 2 different sides with blues on and aquarium cam auto settings. Last is with just...
  16. RosieReefing

    lobophyllia dying?

    Hi there This does not look good!! What happened and how do I treat this baby?? Im new to the saltwater hobby and I got this entire tank with corals and fishes for a good deal. It has been 3 months now. Then this happened today. First question, is this a lobo? Or loby? And how do I treat this...
  17. TangAddict

    Christmas Favia looking rough

    I’ve had this Christmas favia frag for a few months now and he’s been thriving. Lately though I’ve noticed white spot on him should I be concerned?
  18. Niels Verstappen

    Help!! my lobo is receding don’t really know the cause

    Alright something clearly isn’t right my Lobophyllia is receding at an alarming rate, others corals don’t show signs of receding or melting, but they did look a bit more pale than usual, my Staghorn coral tends to have a brown tint, which has me thinking if the nitrates and phosphate play a role...
  19. imanewberry

    Struggling Tri Color Goniastrea with something sticking out of its mouth. Help?

    This Tri Color (or no color right now) Goniastrea was the first coral I put in my tank about a month ago. I’ve posted pics of when I first got it and a pic from just a few moments ago (immediately AFTER spot feeding a few corals reef roids). It has lost all color and has stopped showing its...
  20. jaseyrenae

    Candy Cane coral dying?!

    I bought a pretty big purple candy cane colony a couple weeks back and for the last week the tissue has been receding on a few heads and it hasn’t been plumping up like it was when I first got it. Does anyone have an advice on anything I could do to possibly help it recover would be greatly...
  21. Dan13

    Cannot keep SPS/LPS alive. Help please?

    I am having serious problems keeping certain SPS and LPS coral alive. My tank is around 2 years old now, and I have had huge success in keeping soft corals and zoas, but any LPS or SPS coral that I get usually lose their flesh. Montis, Acros, Acans.....they all look great when they go into the...
Reef Breeders