coral disease

  1. A

    Coral Disease on GSP and Clove Polyp

    Hi guys. im pretty new in reefing, and i just got a frag of GSP and it has been in the tank for 3 weeks, and from today it hasn't opened. it got this grey stuff all over them, and i have no idea of what it is. Anyone who can help? Since than i noticed that my clove polyp got some of it on...
  2. devs_reefs

    EMERGENCY Torch corals dying?

    Over the last 2 weeks, I have noticed an issue with several of my torch corals. The tentacles near the mouths appear to be shrinking and curling inwards (toward the mouth). I have attached several images with this issue. This issue happened to me once before, and the only issue with my tank at...
  3. D

    Coral identification and disease

    Need help identifying this Coral and the problem with it and how to treat.
  4. Tigerchuffs

    Cyphastrea disease??

    My cyphastrea started developing these white spots a few days ago and they have spread. Is it tissue recession or is there something else going on? Going to do a H20 change as soon as I can get the salt tomorrow but so far all my chem looks good. Any ideas?
  5. Tigerchuffs

    Cyphastrea white spots?

    My cyphastrea started developing these white spots a few days ago and they have spread. Is it tissue recession or is there something else going on? Going to do a H20 change as soon as I can get the salt tomorrow but so far all my chem looks good. Any ideas? image:
  6. E

    EMERGENCY Polyps coral covered with white stuff

    My new Polyps coral is covered with some white stuff, and it smell like something rotten, the rotten part of the coral are in brown color under the white stuff, anyone know how can I do for it?
  7. ariellemermaid

    Coral and MEN Problems

    Our coral/invert permanent QT has gone through some changes recently. It started around the time of a power outage we weren’t prepared for lasting about 12 hours. Temp only got down to 74 and everything seemed to be doing ok initially. We also added in a new order of snails and crabs around this...
  8. T

    EMERGENCY My Frogspawn base tissue is whitening, is it normal?

    Hello, I got a frogspawn 2 weeks ago and I observed recently that the tissue near the base is getting white, is it normal? I am worried that maybe it’s a disease, or it’s not happy, or maybe my shrimp is biting it. My parameters are normal. any help is much appreciated
  9. Herides

    Trachyphillia Dying? Flesh turning brown and white and decaying?

    This is the current state of one side of my poor trachy. I got him about 2 weeks ago and on the day after successfully acclimating, inflated like a balloon, ever since though he's been pretty tight to his skeleton, and now it's gotten so bad I think I can see skeleton and I'm seeking help. I've...
  10. Y

    Whats growing on my Zoas???

    Hey all, Can anyone help identify what this white stringy stuff is that I have growing on the base of my Zoa's? It took over 2 small polyps already. TIA
  11. LegalReefer

    Trouble with ¿toadstool? Help/advice desired

    I recently got a small frag of a greenish toadstool leather (it was in the bargain bin and I don’t know the specifics on species, coloration, polyp length, if it’s even actually a toadstool, etc.) and after the first few days with it extending remarkably tiny and short polyps, it now has gone...
  12. Cavalina

    Strange Star Coral Ailment

    Hi All, over the past week or so a portion of my star coral has started to die off. I'm not sure what is causing it, or what to do. Nothing else in the tank is impacted. Here's a picture below -- any suggestion(s) on what it could be or what I should do? (It's the white part at the bottom...
  13. Coralcitos

    Goniopora Sick?

    I have a month with this green Goniopora and I bought it with a black spot. Is that just one dead part or a disease? I notice that it is getting bigger ..
  14. Fred5612

    What is wrong with my Turbinaria

    I’ve had it for 4 months, I can see more of these “holes” were a polyp once was and browning on the edge. What’s wrong with it? Can someone give me some pointers? Recently tested my values and everything was in the norm. Would really appreciate some help as I’m quite new to the hobby
  15. Umiami24

    Coral Disease?

    Hey Everyone, I'm new to reefing (and Reef2Reef!) and am currently at the stage of introducing corals to my tank (no fish yet, just some snails and conch). I added a Paly colony, a purple ribbon gorgonia, ricordia, montipora, and gsp back on September 12. Before introducing them I drip...
  16. J

    Hammer coral loose head?

    Hi everyone, I noticed this afternoon that my hammer is going through something messed up. Not sure what it happening. I sometimes target feed BRS reef chili, and also have been using Aminos from Brightwell. My tank is fallow to eliminate Ich. I'm testing my parameters now. My first that I...
  17. M

    EMERGENCY My Frogspawn has a White growth on its skeleton

    Hi I am in need of some help figuring out what is growing on/happening to my frogspawn... it appears to be some sort of growth on the bottom left of the skeleton where the skeleton meets the frag plug. I have had the frag for around 4 months and it has been thriving in my tank. I do regular...