coral dip

  1. Muffin87

    Cleaning skeleton of Euphyllia and other LPS during quarantine

    While the skeleton of Euphyllia and other LPS may look absolutely clean at first sight, they may be covered with all sorts of algae spores and tiny pests invisible to the naked eye. Has anyone tried cleaning with a q-tip and hydrogen peroxide or reef delete? Any other preventative measures...
  2. OldRed1

    Dipping In CoralRX and Iodine?

    I purchased my first coral recently, a hammer coral, and want to make sure I properly dip the coral before placing it in the tank. I have read about dipping in CoralRX as well as dipping in Lugol's iodine solution and have several questions: (1) Should I do both back to back? If so, should I...
  3. V

    Dipping coral in my basement

    I'm setting up a frag QT in my basement and Bayer is often recommended. However it's always mentioned to do in ventilated area and my basement is anything but that. I can get a fan but there's not much of an exhaust. Should I go with a different dip? I would rather not dip somewhere else in the...
  4. JennyH3

    Baby Brittle starfish or coral pest?

    I just received my WWC live sale corals - during the dip this little guy came off. I emailed them to ask also - but thought you all would know as well. 2nd opinions always good Is this a baby brittle starfish or a coral pest? if it’s a brittle I’m totally keeping it.
  5. B

    Prefered coral dip

    What coral dip do you use? Are you loyal to a certain brand? Use depending on situation? Don't use it at all? Let me know down below.
  6. T

    Cynarina Dead Tissue

    I bought a cynarina from RAP last weekend at a great deal due to a section of dead/irritated tissue on him. The booth I bought it from said they had a tang that they think nipped it about 2 months prior and that's why it looked like that. I dipped it in ReVive for ~10 minutes when I got him and...
  7. D9ohsoar

    Dipping Corals- Few pests?

    Hi everyone.. I recently brought home 3 new corals. While acclimating them, I set up my dipping station. 1 container with the Revive dipping solution (following the directions on the bottle). Then I had two fresh saltwater bowls to rinse the dip off. Well, after waiting the 15 mins, I...
  8. Karen00

    Can coral frags be dipped twice in Revive?

    Hello fellow saltines, I just picked up two Gorgonian frags (a corky and purple plume). These are my first corals. I just dipped in Revive for close to 15 mins. Now they're in a fresh saltwater rinse. I was about to dump out the Revive mix when I saw something moving in the bottom. I thought it...
  9. mikemathis555

    Caught in dip - nudibranch?

    Can anyone confirm this is a nudibranch and bristleworm? Released during dipping of some frags.
  10. scotto

    Reef Primer or CoralRx as a Trochus Snail Dip

    Hi Everyone, So after some long painful searches, I can find little to no data regarding the dipping of clean up crew members, specifically Trochus snails. For those who have encountered an unwanted flatworm invasion, I think it is useful to understand that the shells of our CUC can harbor any...
  11. C

    how long coral survive in bag

    Hello i was getting my new corals acclimated to the tank and relized I didnt have any Coral Dip recently moved. I was wondering if floating the coral all
  12. Aqua Splendor

    (Video) Two Little fishies ReVive Coral Cleaner Dip - Review

    Hello Reefers, I decide to make a Review about the Coral dipping: ReVive. I don't know what you guys use but I love that thing because it's really simple ingredient and removes hitchhiker. It's more than just dipping for parasite ;), hope to break some #myth here my video if that interest you...
  13. oneilwiz

    How to Dip new Hammer and Frogspawn Corals

    Hello everyone, What advice do you have on how to successfully dip newly acquired Hammer and Frogspawn corals? I have tried in the past using Seachem Reef Dip with new frogspawn and hammer corals which didn't survive after a day or two. I have tested all water parameters as well as use...
  14. MnFish1

    What products/methods have you used/tried to 'cure' RTN

    There is a lot of talk about curing Rapid Tissue Necrosis (RTN) and Slow Tissue Necrosis (STN)Lately. How do people deal with it? In the comment section - please post how successful the treatment was - and why you used your particular method. Though it might have been better to allow people...
  15. Reefahholic

    Possible solution to end RTN forever?!?

    So if you haven't heard...Prime Coral has some impressive videos showing a parasite that's responsible for RTN and others that might be responsible for STN. This guy is from Florida and his name is Dr. Ara Deukmedjian. This Philaster parasite that he's captured on video eating acros sure fits...
  16. Anthony Mckay

    Bayer Dip.

    Hello All, I've been looking for Bayer dip in the UK and apparently ITS BANNED here lol. I contacted Bayer UK and this is the answer I received: Thank you for your recent query regarding the Bayer Advanced pesticide range available in the US. This range is very specific to the US because each...
  17. M

    SPS Coral Quarantine Problems

    I have a 20 gallon quarantine setup which has been up and running for 3 months. I have a hang on the back filter, live rock, sand and a powerhead with a heater with temp controller and AI hyrda lights. Every time I dip corals then place in quarantine, they start to RTN within a few days. I'll...
  18. potatocouch

    Coral Dip

    2 simple questions: If you do, what product do you use? Have you ever experienced any ill-effect on your dipped corals?
  19. Mariners

    Coral rx or bayers method for new corals

    hi everyone, Normally i use coral rx and qt tank for a week to check for any leftover pests. This has been successful with zoas and palys (which is all i buy). However getting new stuff including candy cane and blastos from aqua sd. Ive heard bayers is great method for pests but i wanted ur...
  20. AquaNerd

    THE DIP from Fauna Marin is a new coral dip that kills...

    Red Bugs and AEFW. Read more here... shop rare & farmed corls