coral decay

  1. djm

    Hammer Coral Help

    I’ve had a branching hammer coral for around 9 months and it’s been doing really well. Earlier today it was fully extended and happy. This evening I’ve looked and it is very shrunken and looks like a brown ballon coming from its mouth. Never seen it do this before. what could this be?
  2. Schraufabagel

    Losing birdsnest and stylophora

    I recently lost another Stylophora frag and birdsnest frag. These are the second one of each. Both times, they’ve started turning white and dying off. I’m not sure what’s going on since my montipora digis and Pavona are doing amazing. I had both of the frags at the top of the tank (same place...
  3. quickgranite

    EMERGENCY Whats causing this?

    Trumpet decaying. I have made alot of changes and noticed this while cleaning. I have had it for 8 months growth was good. Worked though some issues but not sure if it was b/c of chemistry or a nuisance. Please let me know your thoughts. The left branch is decaying the most as seen in the...
  4. M

    New Zoanthus Colony Loosening off rock with white string on them and slowly decaying (smell horrible aswell) !NEED URGENT HELP!

    Hi everyone, So I bought this new zoa colony at an LFS where I have been once before and it's not doing too great. I bought the colony Saturday November 28th 2020 so I've had it for almost a week now. The issues: - Less and less polyps open up every day - White strings appearing at the base of...
Frag Farm