coral bleaching

  1. H

    Is my coral bleaching?

    Not sure but does this look like bleaching. Phosphate levels are pretty stable.
  2. gatorcream

    Coral frags bleached in just one day?

    I just got some corals in the mail from topshelfaquatics. They sent in a sheet saying their flow and lighting preferences too. Both of the corals require medium to high lighting. Anyways, I got a Christmas mirabilis and a birds nest coral, and they seem to have bleached in just 1 day from being...
  3. woodyetia

    Bleaching need more light?

    Hi I just started with these Corals as I was told they would be the easiest. Fish are doing great, levels are great. These pictures are from day 1, but now the ends and edges are turning white and they are not as green. I’m thinking it’s the lighting not being strong enough or it’s the temp I...
  4. sujcab111

    Is my bubble coral bleaching?

    I haven’t looked at it under normal light now that I think of it but here are some pictures. Some insight would be appreciated!
  5. A

    Ai Prime Lighting schedule

    Hello, I am a newer reefer, started this year. I am on my second tank already.. I have a 85.3 Waterbox Frag lowboy, it came with two 32 HD Ai Prime lights. I do know how to set up a lighting schedule.... but clearly not one that my corals (soft and lps) desire. My tank parameters have been...
  6. Reefer37

    Torch Bleaching

    So not sure what it could be, but my torch started losing color and looks to be bleaching on one side. Any ideas? The tank is a JBJ45 running a Hydra 52 about 12" over the tank. I just turned down the intensity on my setting because I feel like my settings might be too high, now peak is now at...
  7. alexjoha

    Nutrient Deficiency Please Help

    Hi, My tank has a problem with to low nutrients, It`s a triton core 7 setup with a large fuge. I feed 5-6 times a day and dose aminos every day, but still I can’t get to bump my nitrates up. The tank has gradually gotten worse and worse, It`s more or less impossible to get KNO3 in Norway...
  8. menglish

    Global warming and its effect on coral reefs

    I know there are many out there who doubt global warming exist much less what it is doing to the coral reefs and subsequently to this hobby that we all love so much. Its real folks!!!! And it is devastating the reefs world wide. Here are two scientific papers in highly respected scientific...
  9. LEOreefer

    A helpful reminder for all my friends

    hey all! Just wanted to post a helpful reminder to check your salinity and calibrate your refractometer! I had during lps corals and bleached sps for the the last week. I tested all parameters Calcium:400 Alk: 9.2 Mag: 1245 Nitrate:5 Phosphate: .12 I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why...
  10. C

    Coral Bleaching

    How long does it take for LPS corals regain their color after bleaching?
  11. KMench

    Help my montipora!

    I've had this montipora for a few months, and it has lost a lot of color since I got the frag from a reef club member. Recently I've seen these snails crawling all over it and don't know what they are! What is killing my monti cap????
  12. LEOreefer

    Real life reef in Mexico!

    Hello everyone! I recently came back from my honeymoon, we were in Mexico and I had the privilege to do some snorkeling in a real live reef! I wanted to share some pictures and video with you all that I took with my gopro! I do have some quick thoughts so here it goes....... I don't consider...
  13. Hambonej

    What is this stuff? Is it good? Bad?

    I have a biocube 29, the sump is pretty basic. Chamber 1 hydor slim skim. Opened up the flow into chamber to filter floss, purigen, chemi pure elite, then rock rumble. Chamber three 3 heater and return pump. Two power heads in the back for extra flow in the tank. I have mars-aqua lights on a...
  14. MarineDepot

    A Fever in Our Oceans: A Chat with Zack Rago of Chasing Coral

    By now you probably have seen or heard of Chasing Coral, a Netflix original documentary that was released worldwide on July 14. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and was acquired by Netflix on the same day. Coral bleaching due to rising ocean temperatures is the focus of the film...
  15. AquaNerd

    Chasing Coral - The Documentary that you have to watch