
  1. Sakosreef

    Is 2.25 ppm copper power too much?

    Hi guys, I got a 40gallon qt that’s measuring at 2.25ppm copper (dosed copper power and checked with Hanna). I just started the 30 day countdown yesterday as I plan on keeping them in copper for at least 30 days to kill off the ich. Is 2.25 too much? Should I be worried about keeping them in...
  2. Sakosreef

    Can I reuse Biological media that has been used in a QT tank with copper power?

    Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well! I recently treated a couple fish with copper power in my quarantine tank, however, the quarantine tank used to be my main display so I left half of my biological media in that quarantine tank and added copper power to the system (copper levels register at...
  3. Sashaka

    Heartbreak-Need help :(

    Hello All. Let me apologize. I’ve been lurking in the background, reading posts on R2R for several years now. I’ve learned a lot from the discussions. Thank you all for sharing what you know with newbies like me! I’m not much of a talker…and I don’t feel I’ve gained enough knowledge to help...
Reef Diaper