copperband butterflyfish

  1. songeez

    Another cautionary tale for Flatworm Exit

    Hi everyone, just wanted to share just another cautionary tale for the use of Flatworm Exit. I want to share my journey to help others make informed decisions and avoid similar mistakes. Tank size: 210 gal, 9 months old Mostly fish with a couple of soft corals and large euphyllias Around a...
  2. F

    Copperband butterfly

    I’m getting a copper band butterfly for my new tank. I was thinking to add him first to get him eating and situated. Whats the best way to get him eating and situated?
  3. S

    copperband compatibility

    I bought a copperband a few months ago, he started with lympho but healed and I conditioned him to eat started with mussels, clams, and worms then progressed to brine shrimp. I added him to my tank eventually with a yellow tang, I began him in an acclimation box for 2 days. The yellow tang began...
  4. S

    Florida Live Goods closed forum

    So I bought a copperband a qt the copperband. He eats very well, I feed him brine shrimp inside of mussels, mussels, and sometimes black and blood worms. All the food I give is soaked in either zoe or selcon so he gets the vitamins he needs. I love this copperband so you’re probably asking why I...
  5. S

    EMERGENCY copperband butterfly white spots with heavy breathing

    I got this copperband around 3 days ago, first day didn’t notice anything, second day I noticed white spots but no difficulty breathing. He would NOT eat on both days. Now on the third day he ate one mussels. On the fourth day, today he ate a mussel a little bit but is heavily breathing. All...
  6. J

    EMERGENCY Copperband has something on his fin don't know what it could be

    My copperband has some weird mark on his back fin my thoughts are that that is probably a wound that is in the end stages of healing I would like to know if my guess is right or is it some sort of infection I need to treat
  7. B

    USA Copperband Butterfly (CBB) feeder

    Want to ween your CBB off of live food/clams, or, teach him to feed out of this so he's not out-competed in the tank during feeding time (*cough* tangs *cough*)? Then you need this in your life, and so does your CBB, hah. The 'inside' ends combine to form a protected cylinder which is where you...
  8. WorldZY

    Copperband Butterfly Fish acting odd?

    Hi There! We have had our CBB for a little over a month now. Before I get started, Gill eats almost 2 clams a day or Mussels (out of Clams) and Mysis shrimp constantly. He is always swimming around and very agile. Lastly, our water levels are all spot on. Today I noticed the 2-3 white specs on...
  9. WorldZY

    Copperband and Mussels?

    Hi there! My CBB is an eating machine! Running through 2 clams a day and eating Mysis Shrimp as a lunch snack with the rest of my fish. I went to my local Seafood Store and noticed they sell Mussels. Has anyone had CBB's eat mussels or do you think it's a bad idea? Have a Great day everyone and...
  10. WorldZY

    CopperBand Butterfly Diet?

    Hi everyone! Brand new to this website! I have a question any experts would like to help me out. My wife and I just upgraded to our 1st CopperBand Butterfly fish. Now, I heard all the "fear" about how challenging they can be to eat, but I want to set them with a variety of diet to make sure...
  11. Ninic Luka


    im think about adding CBB to my 150g tank. tank is one month old was transfer from 65g and 2x40g all 90lbs of rock is bought as live rock and is with me for at least 2 years some even more and its rock from ocean not man made. have 15g refugium. for the first food i have fresh mussels until i...
  12. Coker

    EMERGENCY Copper band twitching

    I have a copper band butterfly that i have had for over a month and he just started twitching out of the blue. Could this just be stress related as i have just moved him to a different qt or am i looking at something that i need to treat here?
  13. jackalexander

    Feeding Copperband butterflyfish

    I recently got this healthy looking copperband butterfly from my LFS. My first attempt at the copperband and I want to try to be successful because it’s a beautiful fish. As suspected it was quite picky at my LFS but to my surprise, it did eat some pieces of mysis. Not enough to stabilize its...
  14. 99gtbaby

    CBB, new to this but have an established tank.

    What worms would you recommend for a CBB? I’ve been feeding a small amount of dried blood worms/flakes/pellets mix twice a day and in between my fish get a variety of frozen foods, clams, mussels, shrimp, cockels etc. my CBB won’t take food from the water column that I can see but it does forage...
  15. royaltanks

    Copperband butterfly fish: What you need to know?

    Copperband butterfly fish: What you need to know? Welcome back to the Royaltanks blog, I'm Marco and today we will tackl about a controversial topic: the maintenance in the aquarium of Chelmon rostratus. This magnificent butterfly fish, called Copperband, is a fish of peaceful nature...
  16. Padawan

    EMERGENCY Copperband Help

    Hi everyone, I bought a beautiful copper band two weeks ago and he's easily become one of my favourites, he's always curious about whats going on in and outside of the tank. I didn't quarantine him because I trust my LFS and it's one of the best in Ireland and they have their own quarantine...
  17. Astro

    Copperband Butterfly has single Cloudy eye with a bump on it, and looks to be scratching it.

    Good afternoon, I had purchased this CBB about 4-5 weeks ago, has been feeding great, eating frozen brine, and even some mysis. I have lots of critters it snacks on as well. as of today I fed, and noticed the CBB (although ate fine), was only facing one way, then noticed it's eye was cloudy...
  18. DariusThomad

    Copperband butterfly advice

    I’m after some advice, I had a copperband ordered in for me (hasn’t been quarantined and got shipped in today at 11am EST) I’ve picked him up and placed him in my very small (only tank I have) 25ish litre tank. I was hoping to get him atleast feeding today/ even a nibble but I don’t think he...
  19. argiBK

    Copperband & Potter's

    Today feels great! After weeks of experimenting with new foods, combinations, timing, delivery. My Copperband and Potter's Angel are eating frozen food! Live blackworms got the Copperband excited for feeding time and Mass Stick on the glass encouraged the Potter's to look at food that wasn't...
  20. W

    Stocking advice - Anthias, Foxface, Copperband

    Hi everyone! My first time posting here! I’m looking for some advice on fish stocking for my 120gal mixed reef. The tank is 5’x2’x2’. I have a large sump in the basement - total water volume 170gal. The tank has been up and running for 3 years (including a house move) and has a majority of SPS...
  21. Ridwaan98

    Copperband Butterflyfish *URGENT HELP*

    I really need help with my Copperband Butterflyfish. I recently purchased it about three days ago. On day one he was not eating, it was only in the evening when I fed it frozen artemia, marine mix, and mussel meat cubes did he eat. On day two; he was eating but it looks like he was not 'fighting...
  22. AquaHobby31

    Copperband developed little bump/lump on mouth

    Hi guys my copperband developed this bump or lump on bottom of the bottom lip/beak. Anyone know what this is?
  23. WallyB

    Build Thread ★ 110 Gallon (In-Wall Office Dream SPS Reef Tank) ★ PROJECT GENESIS [Total Automation, DIY & More ]★

    Hello, my name is Wally. Don't know how to start this Build Thread, since I have so much to share. I'll do an intro, and see what folks are Interested in, and Expand, Elaborate, from there. I've been enjoying the Reef Hobby for the last 20+ years. Started simple and kept going. I'm an...
  24. Glissfish21

    CP Treatment for Velvet?

    Hi, I suspect that my Copperband Butterfly might have velvet. I was going to treat him with Cupramine, but then I read something about CP. I'm interested to know more about it, but I have no idea where to look. If anyone has used this treatment before, I'd love it if you could share your...
  25. Glissfish21

    Need Advice With a Copperband Butterflyfish

    I have a copperband butterflyfish on hold for me at my LFS, and the first day I saw him I decided to get him because I've always wanted one and I watched him eat mysis (I've heard it's hard to get copperbands to eat frozen/prepared foods). He looked great, he was active and picking at the rocks...
Frag Farm