copper ich

  1. Brendanb5

    Adding fish to quarantine

    I’m currently quarantining all of my fish and figured while I have the QT up and running it would be a good time to add a new fish. My LFS offered me a great deal on a Yellow Tang, he’s had them in the shop now for over a month, they’re all just under 2 inches, great color and eat well. My QT...
  2. R


    looking for some help as i have asked lots of people and most people say yes and no to cupramine in main tank setup to treat ick. most say don't do it never get it out some say its possible to get it out from the tank. cupramine seachem customer service is telling me yes %100 can be removed...
  3. Lennon's Reef

    Is this ich?

    I recently noticed little white spots on my four red spot glass cardinals (Apogon parvulus). I treated for internal parasites (more on that later) and when that didn’t work I assumed it might be ich and moved all of my fish (the 4 cardinals, a Helfrich’s firefish, and a pink streaked wrasse) to...
  4. new2reefing123

    Copper level

    Copper level. What do you all think?.... I think .5......(hard to read, still waiting on hanna copper tester to arrive) Seachem cupramine. Salifert copper test. Thanks everyone.
  5. Marc88

    Dosing copper to your DT...the documented journey.

    In the short time I've been in this hobby, there have been three categories for copper dosing as it relates to the DT. Yes, copper will kill corals and inverts, that is not debatable. Make no mistake. I do not intend to bash anyone who falls into any of the categories. My goal is to try to...