copper dosing

  1. Brendanb5

    Adding fish to quarantine

    I’m currently quarantining all of my fish and figured while I have the QT up and running it would be a good time to add a new fish. My LFS offered me a great deal on a Yellow Tang, he’s had them in the shop now for over a month, they’re all just under 2 inches, great color and eat well. My QT...
  2. SimplyVibing

    Can you mix two types of copper medication?

    I’m running three QT tanks, and treated using Copper Power at first. Unfortunately I ran out and my copper reading is only 1 ppm on all three tanks. Long story short, I bought cuprimine instead because that’s what my LFS carries. Is it safe to mix Copper Power and cuprimine? It is also worth...
  3. jackalexander

    Removing Copper

    I have two tangs that have gone through their 30 day copper treatment and are ready to be moved into the main display. Do I have to remove the copper in the quarantine (2.23) before adding them to the display or can I start the acclimation process without removing the copper?
  4. Schraufabagel

    Best copper treatment products?

    I am going to be quarantining 5 fish in a few weeks. Those will be the only fish for 2 years minimum. I might upgrade tanks in the future, but that's a long ways away.I have Cupramine currently. I'm realizing that maybe I should have gone with copper power, which I'll pick up since it's only $5...