
  1. G

    Preemptively ordered Copepods

    I'm currently cycling my first tank, and somehow gaslit myself into think the nitrogen cycle was measured in days not weeks. I have an order of ecopods and oceanmagik coming from AlgaeBarn to develop the plankton population in the tank post cycle but it will arrive way before the nitrogen cycle...
  2. 1epauletteshark

    Calling all Copepod culturing experts!

    Calling all Copepod culturing experts! I have done some research and I want to start culturing copepods, not only to feed my fish but also just to challenge myself and try something new that won’t break the bank. I want to culture them from the beginning so including culturing phytoplankton by...
  3. L

    Ziss Hatchery for copepods / phytoplankton

    Hey everyone! Has anyone experimented with using a Ziss Brine Shrimp Hatchery to culture Copepods or phytoplankton? I feel like it would be super convenient the way it’s made!
  4. Pelagikos

    Pods or something more diabolical?

    Hey guys just a quick question. Monthly, I add @AlgaeBarn ecopods. A couple of months ago I used one shipment of the Galaxy pod mix. Today while feeding my corals, I noticed in my chaeto overgrowth box these little (1/8 inch?) critters. I've looked around at some pictures but I can't seem to...
  5. airvicconcre

    Hello Macroalgae and copepods

    Hi everyone, I am new to the marine hobby and I’ve setup a 150g tank back home in India. I am in the USA traveling for a couple of weeks and I was wondering if anyone could give me some advise on Macro Algae and copepods. We don’t get these items in India hence I plan to buy live copepods and...
  6. ariellemermaid

    Need Help Feeding Mandarin!

    I ordered some fish about 2 weeks ago and the site I ordered from had a great deal on mandarins (we’ve wanted one for a long time now). I’m assuming it’s wild caught (yes, first mistake we know). We ordered some copepods at the same time to beef up the tank’s supply. We knew we’d have to train...
  7. chemicals

    Tiny worm ID

    Hi, I’m trying to identify a tiny worm. I added some live copepods and 1hour later my tank is covered in thousands of these tiny white worms. I’ve tried to get some good microscope pictures so maybe you could help me! Thanks!
  8. BleachedCoral

    How do I go about adding copepods to my aquarium?

    Hi, my aquarium's cycle seems to be nearing its end as the nitrites fall and the nitrates rise, and I'm looking into adding copepods & other small critters to my refugium and DT because I hear they're useful, especially since algae is beginning to grow on the rocks. Where do I buy from however...
  9. maxemorris

    HELP ID Copepods… Right?

    Tank looks totally normal and healthy and I found found these guys all over the glass and free floating. Only difference from yesterday is that I got two new pieces of coral. My tank is only a few months old and I’ve never seen or added pods before. Can I get a mandarin goby to help eat them?
  10. maxemorris

    HELP ID Copepods…Right?

    Tank looks totally normal and healthy and I found found these guys all over the glass and free floating. Only difference from yesterday is that I got two new pieces of coral. My tank is only a few months old and I’ve never seen or added pods before. Can I get a mandarin goby to help eat them?
  11. L

    Will this work as a dragonet feeding station? Thoughts appreciated

    Hi All, Made the classic mistake of buying an unresearched species at the LFS this weekend. All of my gracillaria macroalgae disappeared without a trace over the course of 2 weeks and at the same time I had an amphipod explosion so my theory is that they ate it all. I have a 20 gallon AIO and...
  12. AlgaeBarn

    Macroalgae Packs have been restocked

    Get yours today while supplies last! :)
  13. Adam1985

    Are these harmless or problematic?

    Hi all, In relation to ticked off corals from time to time, coupled with being able to sleep late and wake up late (vacation for the holidays), I’ve been looking at my tank more at night, i.e. during total darkness. I noticed quite a large population of these, and they seem to be congregating...
  14. F

    Chato with pods

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Chato with pods. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  15. R

    What’s this growing on my glass?

    Curious to see what this may be growing on the glass of my Copepod grow tank. There are 4-5 of these that have seemingly shown up over night. I recently moved the copepods from a 5 gallon bucket into this tank. Before doing so I thoroughly washed and scrubbed this tank with vinegar and water...
  16. ajtomase

    Trusted Pod Dealer

    Hi Everyone, I'm curious to where everyone is getting their copepods/phyto from. There's so many dealers out there, and I've heard horror stories of people getting pods shipped to the DOA.
  17. Ari’s reef surf

    Trouble growing plant frags of micro algae in display tank

    Hey guys I had some questions regards to growing micro algae frags in my display tank! For starters I have 36 gal tank With 1 clownfish and 1 lawnmower blenny with regular snails and hermit crabs. I recently added 3 different micro algae’s to the tank about a week ago. And it seems that I...
  18. Mubashshir Ahsan

    Can FW copepods be slow acclimated in SW?

    Hi, I'm new in saltwater keeping. Also I have a lot of freshwater aquariums. Those are full of copepods. I want to introduce copepods to my SW tank too. Can I slow acclimate those tiny lifes to SW? Or is there any easy/cheap way to add Copes to my SW tanks. Copepods seeds are not available in my...
  19. jackalexander

    Pest ID

    Copepods or something else? Quite a large and dense population. I’ve seen copepods before but never this big. I have some on my glass which are very small.
  20. j.register3

    Culturing Copepods From Home

    Hi all, Curious if anyone has any experience culturing their own copepods? My question is, how do you control nitrates & ammonia from copepod waste? Is a bi-weekly harvesting/water change enough to replenish & keep the colony alive? Any/all advice & experience welcome! Thanks in advance :)