cooepods? amphipods?

  1. OneMerissa


    Are these critters on my urchins hat pods??!! I hope! The other stuff floating around is some mysis I just fed.
  2. nbaker47

    Question about identifying. Input needed

    Hey everyone I’m Nick! this is my first post! Just wondering if anyone is able to identify the little things swimming near the top of the tank in the red circle when I shut my flow off to replace the filter floss. They seemed to be squirming and swimming pretty quickly! I feel like they could...
  3. The1HunnT

    Weird *very* large copepods and short white worms that don’t look like planaria to me.

    As the subject said, I was using my scrubbing magnet which had gone unused for a few weeks as we didn’t have much algae and when I opened the magnet the scrubber side in the tank had several dozen “water insects” for lack of a better word. They were NOT crushed by using it to clean algae off of...
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