
  1. T

    RODI Waste Contamination

    Hello, I am new hear, and I've used this forum to get up to speed. I recently made a mistake when mixing salt water... having some RODI waste water enter into the mix for just about a minute. I'm wondering if i've contaminated my batch of saltwater. I use a 40 gallon brute can to mix my...
  2. L

    Frozen food

    Would like people's thoughts on this. I have been keeping a mixed reef tank for years now, and have always fed my fish with mainly frozen foods! Last night I fed them with frozen krill, and to my surprise a white feather was introduced into my tank via the frozen krill. The very next day my...
  3. J

    Storing RODI in garage. Possible Contamination?

    Hello all, I live in Florida and I have my RODI unit in my garage along with the storage container a 50 gallon brute garbage can. we do not park cars in the garage but the lawnmower, generator, and gas cans are in there and today I noticed a heavy gasoline smell and saw my Emergency generator...
  4. BighohoReef

    (NEED ADVICE/THOUGHTS) So I did something stupid.. Did I accidentally contaminate my tank with...

    So I got a beautiful new Derasa clam today... covered in a few pests. Aptaisa, vermited... and some friendly isopods and such. Couple of things about our cleaning regiment: We QT everything regardless of what it is... We clean all livestock as advised... scrub, razor blade, glue whatever...
  5. I

    Cleaning near a fish tank

    Let me preface by saying that I know nothing about fish tanks. I would like to clean my floors near a saltwater fish tank. My husband seems to think it will kill all the corals in his tank if I use any amount of chemicals on the floors, near his tank. To further elaborate, he has a 210g...
  6. TangsRLife

    Phytoplankton contamination?

    So I’ve recently been culturing nanochloropsis for a month now and they’ve started since the beginning and was just wondering if this is a type of contamination and if it’s possible to save my culture? It looks like a bunch of dots but my tubing isn’t centered because I don’t have hard tubing so...
  7. MarineDepot

    5 Ways to Protect Your Tank from Contamination

    5 Ways to Protect Your Tank from Contamination A tank in your living room may be surrounded by hazards
GHL Advanced Technology