
  1. elm03

    My Hermit Crab Loves My Haitian Condy Nem

    Hello everyone. I got a new hermit crab recently from PetCo, he or she is a “zebra” hermit crab. He has taken a liking to my Haitian Anemone. Constantly next to it, under it, or cuddling it. Is this normal and okay?
  2. Anemone


  3. S

    Tomato clownfish hosting in two different anemone?

    I thought it was interesting to see after putting some btas in my tank that my tomato clownfish is being hosted not only by the condy it’s seemingly forced into the arrangement but also the bta that’s near by as well, does anyone else’s clownfish go to multiple anemone? My other two cinnamon...
  4. S

    Clownfish hosting condy

    I have three clownfish in my tank, and the tomato clown is hellbent on being hosted by my condy. It rubs in it and swims off, doesn’t have any apparent damage. I’ve read conflicting things about if they can host or not? I feed the condy, so I’m not sure if that will matter or not? The other two...
  5. the.introvertebrate

    Condy Nem a big risk?

    I'm a relatively new reefer (3 months in) and saw a condy nem at my LFS that I really wanted so regrettably without much thought I bought it... it's a very large one and as you can see in the picture attached and it's taken up residence under a cave rock (been there for a week). I just...
TCK Corals