conch snails

  1. OneMerissa

    Odd conch

    We’ve had our strawberry conch now for about three months. The first two months he stayed above the substrate using his little snorkel to get all the food he needed. Now for the last month he buries himself and we never see him is this normal?? Here’s a picture of him before he decided to go...
  2. C

    Tiger Conch Temp Tank Switch

    Just picked up a Tiger conch for our second tank that I’ve recently started up. It seems happy and been doing it’s thing. I’m wondering if I can borrow it for my second tank which is about a year old to cleanup the sandbed for a few days and then place him back in its original tank. Just want...
  3. kiswanson

    Conch Clean Up Crew

    I really like my fighting conch and strawberry conch. I put together a Conch Clean Up Crew Video. There is also a Sea urchin cameo.
  4. Salty Sea Flowers

    Tiny conchs? Pests?

    I've had a sudden explosion of these little guys (snails of some kind) in my frag/grow out tank. They have a similar shape to a conch shell, but the biggest I've seen as been maybe a centimeter in length, max. I can't find anything on the web about them either?! They seem to reproduce fairly...