
  1. C

    Looking to ask a couple questions to someone who owns a Dardanus guttatus / blue kneed (hairy) hermit crab

    Does anyone actually have/had one of these guys? They are currently my dream animal and I would love to own one Probably 99% of the threads on every single forum are full of people saying 'i dont own one but this one random website says ________' and honestly i dont believe half of the things...

    Serpent star and coral banded shrimp

    Hi can a coral banded shrimp be housed with a serpent star?….. can’t find info online….. cheers
  3. G

    pistol shrimp sexy shrimp

    will a pistol shrimp be safe for sexy shrimp?
  4. Erik the Red

    Lock line assembly and compatibility with Waterbox

    Hello, does anyone have experience with lock lines? I’ve just got some 1/2 inch lock line parts because I thought they would joint with the original waterbox outlets. However, the WB outlets are slightly bigger than those 1/2 inch lock lines. Do you know if there's any possibility to assembly...
  5. FishAreCool

    Would These Animals Coexist?

    I have some stocking plans for my 16 gallon biocube. Would these animals coexist and could they all fit? 1x Citrinis clown goby 1x Firefish 2x Ocellaris Clownfish 1x Blood red fire shrimp 1x Coco worm 1x Tuxedo Urchin Candy cane coral Cyphastrea coral Duncan coral Ricordea Coral Sun coral...
  6. FishAreCool

    Spider Decorator Crab Compatibility

    I think spider decorator crabs (Camposcia retusa) are cool. I know they cant go with soft corals, but can they go with stony corals? And would they be able to go with five snails of varying sizes? And how long do they tend to live in captivity?
  7. K

    Lobster + Red fire/cleaner shrimp?

    Hi All ! I am a fairly experienced reefer and I have a 10G nano (space constraint). I have a purple lobster that I got about 5 months ago. The problem with him (or her?) is that I hardly ever get to see him. Even when I feed him, he hurries out of the rock work, grabs the food and disappears...
  8. G


    I have a 20gallon and wanted to upgrade to around a 40 to 60 gallon tank could I get a pair or 2 of Atlantic seahorses my fish I’d be transferring is a pajama cardinal which I know is ok but would a canary blenny and x2 clowns be good since it’s such a big tank and after the seahorses I plan to...
  9. A

    Gumdrop Coral Croucher, good for 32.5g reef tank or no?

    I have been studying non-stop, trying to find the best combination of fish, COC, filter, equipment, and coral for my 32.5g bowfront reef tank. I have not started it yet, but I plan to in the next month or two, so more time to study lol. I stumbled across an article saying the Gold Assessor...
  10. P

    Blue Geen Chromis with Springeri Damsels

    Hello, I have a 6’ long, 200+ tank with tons of caves, nooks and hiding spots, etc. I currently have 3 springeri damsels and wanted to know if anyone has had them in the same tank as blue green chromis. There are plenty of other fish, well at least 6 others lol, but I’m concerned there might...
  11. guppyexpress

    Bumblebee snail with Tridacna derasa (clam)

    I have a very curious question. Would my bumblebee snails (that I got to get rid of vermetid snails) would those harm my Tridacna derasa clam? or leave it alone? I have 1 bumblebee snail. Thanks so much!
  12. hisuzeq

    Any Compatibility Red Flags Here?

    Tank Currently: 1 two-spot goby 2 anemones (+snails, hermits, & an emerald crab) Tank Goals: 2 clowns 2 red firefish gobies (heard they need to be a pair?) 2 mandarin gobies 1 pistol shrimp 1 watchman goby 1 other shrimp? (sexy / fire?) Pressing question - would an orchid dottyback be a...
  13. SeaMaiden92

    Would a Mandarinfish and a Molly Miller Blenny compete for food?

    I am considering getting a Molly Miller Blenny, but I am determined to get a Mandarinfish someday. If I got a MM Blenny would it compete with the Mandarinfish for copepods? Thanks!
  14. Sawyer Breslow

    Stocking 65gal

    Hello! Thinking about adding another fish or two to my 65gal aquarium. Dimensions are 36”x20”x21”. I currently have the following: - Two clownfish - lawnmower blenny - Tomini Tang, - Melanurus Wrasse - Pink Spot Goby Any ideas?
  15. N

    Damsel compatibility

    Anybody have any experience with the yellow tail blue damsel? I’m thinking of adding a couple to liven up the tank. I have a couple clowns. I am concerned with their aggression though. I didn’t want them in the beginning because i heard they can take over a tank. Should I put them in last? Or do...
  16. ariellemermaid

    Tang Compatibility- Planning a 200g Build

    I’m looking for some stocking advice as I work towards a 200g build. In my old tank things were simple- 2 clownfish, one burrowing goby, one yellow tang, etc. One fish or pair of each type. However many fish descriptions state “only 1, unless kept in a large tank.” Like gobies etc. Which begs...
  17. Erik the Red

    Hawkfish and Dottyback

    Hi everyone, I’m finally heading to my LFS today for getting 2 fish for my Waterbox 35.2 (23G display, 33G system) I would like to get a longnose (or Falco) hawkfish and an orchid dottyback. Do you think they can get along in the tank? They Will be the only inhabitants of the tank.
  18. adamlodge14

    Wrasse or basslet?

    Hi, I am currently thinking about stocking for my new 15 gallon reef tank. I will have a Yasha goby- pistol shrimp pair, 1 clownfish and for the last fish I am deciding between a pink streaked wrasse and a candy basslet, what are your thoughts??
  19. adamlodge14

    Goby and blenny compatibility

    Hi, I have a Fluval evo 13.5 and was wondering whether a Yasha goby, tailspot blenny and neon goby would all get along together, thanks. This is my tank.. it has lots of live rock
  20. G

    Yellow Tang Companion in a 120g

    I'm looking for Stocking advice for a 120 gallon tank. I'm interested in having 2 herbivorous fish to pick at my rocks and help manage algae preventatively. My wife loves the look of yellow tangs and wants one for the tank. I've been looking at adding a blue eyed kole tang, but I want them to...
  21. G

    Anthias Trio in 120 gallon

    I've been reading a lot about setting up a 120 gallon tank, and the behaviors of anthias are a huge reason I took an interest in the hobby. I'm curious which species, if any, could be kept in a 120 gallon tank. Originally I was interested in keeping a trio of a shoaling species like Lyretails or...
  22. Soren

    Fish Compatibility Chart

    After searching online for compatibility charts and only finding images, I decided to make a Microsoft Excel table of compatibility. I do not know if this has been done before, but I find it much easier to scroll through on the left to the fish I want to know about and match to the top for...
  23. hannernanner

    Stock List Feedback

    New to the hobby, but I've done some research and I'm finally planning my first tank. I'm hoping to go 90 gal minimum, hopefully closer to 110/120, reef tank plus a sump with refugium and skimmer. Corals will be mostly soft ones (not jumping right into SPS or anything). I've gathered a potential...
  24. Zachvet

    Tomini / Kole / Yellow Tangs

    Hey folks, Want to get your opinion on tang compatibility. I am upgrading from a 75 display to a 125, 6ft display (the tanks coming tomorrow and ill start my build right away). I currently have a Tomini and a pair of clowns - my motivation behind the 6ft tank was to get my tomini the space he...
  25. ZoWhat

    4in Male Square Anthias VS 2in Sunburst Anthias

    Compatibility??? 4in Male Square Anthias in the same 180g 6ft tank as a 2in Sunburst Anthias
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