
  1. Yourlocalreefer

    6-Line wrasse compatability

    Hello everyone, my 225-gallon tank has been up for quite some time and the only wrasse I have is a 6-Line but Im wanting to add more like a fairy wrasse or this pink one I saw at my LFS. What are your thoughts am I able to keep more or am I stuck with just the 6-line? I added a photo of the pink...
  2. F

    New local reefer with coral questions

    Hey everyone! After over 2 decades of keeping freshwater planted tanks (which I still have and love), I finally decided to dive head first into the reef keeping hobby with my older 11 year old son. We’ve had our tank up and running for about 4 weeks now with live rock from our LFS (Red Sea MAX...
  3. pandaparties

    Stingrays and Foxface

    I have a tank with a Halleri ray, one marble coral catshark, one vlamingi, one purple tang and a soldier fish. I was wondering if anyone has experience having a ray with a Foxface? I am a little afraid he's going to get carpeted by my ray who occasionally does it to my other fish and he's...
  4. J

    What other fish can I add to my 36g bowfront?

    Wondering what other fish i can add to my 36g bowfront. my current stock is Fish: 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 christmas wrasse, 1 tailspot blenny Inverts: 4 blue leg hermits, 2 nassarius, 1 trochus, 4 ninja star, 1 tiger conch, 1 zebra turbo Coral: Pink torch, Green torch, duncan, kenya tree, sunburst...
  5. Primus

    Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse harassing my Long Nose Hawk

    I recently purchased a Long Nose Hawk, A Clownfish and a Cleaner Wrasse. For the most part, everything has gone well except that I have noticed that the cleaner seems to target the Long Nose Hawk disproportionately compared to the other fish for his cleaning service. The Long Nose hawk appears...
  6. alishasreef

    Midas Blenny and Goby comparability? 31G

    I’ve read in the past that blenny and goby shouldn’t be together, however recently I have read that as they occupy different space they get along fine? Any experiences/suggestions? I have plenty of live rock, caves, holes, ledges and areas that break apart the whole tank. If this could work...
  7. M

    Multiple clownfish pairs?

    My tank is finally done cycling and I'm looking to start with clownfish for my tank. It's ~360 gallons (8' x 30" x 30") with a 120 gallon sump. I know with clownfish, unless you get a harem, eventually the female and her bonded male will likely kill everyone else. A lot of people seem to have...
  8. BleachedCoral

    Opinion on this roster of fish for a 126 gallon aquarium as a first timer?

    Hello everyone, I got a new 126 gallon aquarium and been doing some shopping for which fish I should add to the tank. I came up with this list. In your opinion, are these good picks or should I reconsider? (1) Yellow Tang (1) Six-Line Wrasse (1) Azure Damselfish (2) Common Clownfish (2-3)...
  9. Billyjose4

    Planning Stage - Stocking and Compatibility Questions

    Before I create my Build Thread, I want to get more input from those more experienced. It's not my first reef tank, but my first in 15 years. I won't be adding these all at the start- nor could I afford to $$$. Below is my proposed stocking over the life of my "forever" tank. 220g...
  10. J

    can wrease get along with most fish reason being i have few fish what im think of getting wrease

    can wrease get along with most fish reason being i have few fish what im think of getting wrease to go along with it i have kole eye tang yellow home breed tang also rabbit fish 2 clown fish ice ones 1 damels and one scooter blenny and also one star fish was thinking about get some sort of...
  11. Raaymakers

    CUC and puffer fish

    Hey all, i was looking into some puffer fish. I am aware that it would be a roll of the dice if it comes to corals, inverts will be killed. Im probably taking the shot to get a valentine puffer, but... what are good cleaners that will be left alone by the puffer? I'm not concerned by algae as i...
  12. P

    Stocking Suggestions for WB 35.2

    Hello! I’m looking to add a couple new fish to my waterbox 35 gal community reef aquarium currently I have: 1 snowflake clownfish 1 yellow banded possum wrasse 1 starry blenny 4 emerald crabs Some snails Two shrimp I want to add movement and color with fish that spend lots of time in the...
  13. A

    Fish compatibility

    So I have an ocelaris I my 30 gallon mixed reef tank. I’m looking at adding possibly a hawkfish of some sort (preferably long nosed or falco) and then maybe a royal gramma or a springeri dotty back. I have a BTA that I’m gonna try to get my clown to host before adding new fish. I just haven’t...
  14. 208Reefer

    Good tank mates for Blue Spot Puffer?

    Wassup reefers, Cycling up a 50 gallon tank for a Blue Stop Puffer and was wondering what a good tank mate would be? Feel bad putting him/her in there alone and I know they usually can’t be with others of their kind. Any suggestions?
  15. Kyle Soto

    Single Anthias? + Stocking list for 65 gallon Red Sea

    My 65 gallon tank is currently stocked as follows: 2 ocellaris clowns Orchid dottyback Lemon damsel Tomini tang Blue hippo tang (I did not purchase this fish, I realize he will outgrow the tank but he was included when I bought the tank) I want to add a single male Lyertail Anthias but I was...
  16. C

    Multiple clown gobies

    hello everyone, I am researching clown gobies and would love to put a small group or pair in my 20g long, but I have heard conflicting information on putting multiple in, my preference would be multiple or a pair of yellow clown gobies but if I need to get different species I will. Just looking...
  17. ChandlerTingle

    Compatibility with Royal Gramma for 38 Gallon Tank

    What fish can be compatible with Royal Grammas in a 38 gallon tank? Any suggestions
  18. A

    Stocking suggestions

    Hey all, I have a 30 gallon tank with a six line wrasse and a canary blenny, looking at adding one more fish to the system but don’t know what would get along with both. Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  19. marisp127

    Coral Beauty Angelfish

    I am thinking of adding one of these to my display. Trying to get advice from people who have (or have had) them in their tanks. My two biggest concerns are that a) the angelfish will pick at my corals or b) will be aggressive towards the other fish already in the system (clownfish, lawnmower...
  20. A

    Clownfish pair questions

    Could I add a bonded pair of clownfish to a 30 gallon with a six line wrasse and a canary blenny? Would they all get along? If they do get along fine would that be overstocking? Thanks in advance!
  21. R

    Stocking Ideas for new 150g mixed reef

    Hello all, I am nearing completion on my fully DIY 150gallon reef tank. The tank that I made is 60”x24”x24” and has a 50gallon sump. I am using about 2” of sand, as well as some NSA rock sculptures I made (about 120lbs of rock). The sump will contain an 11”x11”x11” chaeto refugium, 4L+ of...
  22. ReefJCB

    Wrasse comparability and acclimation Box

    I’ve got a Ruby Longfin Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rubeus) that’s been the only wrasse in my tank for almost a year. I purchased a red headed Solon wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis) that arrived almost 2 weeks ago. I made the mistake of putting it directly in the tank and the Ruby lost his mind...
  23. F

    Jade Wrasse and Six Line Wrasse compatability

    Morning everyone, I hope you are all well?! Just a quick one frome me, a friend of mine is wanting rid of his Jade wrasse and I'm wanting to know your advice on adding it to my aquarium? (Which I already have a 6 Line Wrasse) I've read plenty of horror stories regarding mixing wrasse, but I...
  24. adamlodge14

    Fire shrimp aggressive?

    Hi! I just received my first fish for my 15 gallon today, yay!! I got a Yasha goby. Tomorrow I am picking up a Randall’s pistol shrimp, and was wondering whether it’s a good time to put a fire shrimp in the tank? Are they aggressive? Will they become territorial?
  25. jackalexander

    Fish Compatibility

    I want to know if these fish/inverts will all work out together in a 32 Gallon: 2 WW clownfish 1 YWG 1 Small Longnose Hawkfish 1 Midas blenny 1 Male Melanurus Wrasse 1 Large Cleaner Shrimp Basic CUC Mainly LPS coral/ some SPS