colors faded

  1. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY YWG Looking Really Bad

    Currently treating my YWG for a bacterial infection with Metroplex. He’s been in the QT for about 2 weeks now and everything seemed to be going great until tonight. Got home to feed him and turned on the lights to see a zombie looking fish. Super pale, brown stripes across his back and a brown...
  2. O

    Choc chip starfish turning orange?

    This is my first post so I’m not sure I’m doing it right but I haven’t seen any other posts and I can’t find any answers anywhere... I got a chocolate chip starfish about a month ago and it had been fine until today, it’s brown chocolate chip spikes have turned orange.... does anybody know...
  3. Zazzy

    Gfo with Sps dominant

    I've read online that you should never run gfo with Sps corals in your system. Apparently corals will lose colors. How true is this? I currently run a refugium, carbon dose vinegar, and run phosguard but it gets exhausted very quickly. I feed my corals reef roids every other day. Looking for...
  4. Jo P White

    SPS and other corals slowly dying

    Hi everyone, I have several montiporas, a pocillipora, two bizarro, and an a can that seem to be slowly withering away on me. They were doing well for awhile and had growth, but now they’re tissue seems to be receding starting primarily at their bases and then working up. I have a hair algae...
  5. Rickyrooz

    Poor SPS Coloration, ICP Test & Pics Included

    Randy, I am having trouble with about 40% of my acropora's, the colors have slowly faded in the past three months, the skin looks thin, recently the polyps are retracted and some have no growth in the past 7 months. Battle Corals Banana Caroliniana February 27, 2017 September 9, 2017...
Reef Kinetics