
  1. Coral Coloration: Proteins and Chromoproteins

    Coral Coloration: Proteins and Chromoproteins

    Coral Coloration: Proteins and Chromoproteins by @Queen City Corals It is well known that corals get their color from the Zooxanthellae in their cells, however, an often overlooked but very important aspect of coral coloration are fluorescent proteins and non-fluorescent chromoproteins. There...
  2. nomad6

    Sexy shrimp eating my Duncan?

    Hey guys, newbie here, Sexy shrimp has been hanging out on my Duncan for a couple of days and I noticed the coloration on the stem has been decreasing not sure why or maybe I’m overthinking it? Hopefully pictures aren’t too bad lmk if I need to remove him he loves to hang out on the frag rack. I...
  3. marisp127

    Coloring of Tomini and Kole Tangs

    Curiosity question here. Do the tomini and kole tangs darken in color with age or is it just random special variation? I’ve seen tominis with a pale grayish colored body and then ones almost black. A similar thing seems happens with the koles with that light orange color in the body to a deep...
  4. walloutlet

    New to SPS - Checking In On Progress

    Hey everyone, basically as the title states, I'm new into the world of sticks especially Acropora's. Feeling comfortable that I have my system stability and parameters under control and consistently in line with the what we collective seem to agree as good numbers. Basically, no major swings...
  5. Queenofreef

    Strategic coral placement can make your corals look more colorful/brighter!

    When I started my second build a few years ago, It made me pretty sad. I couldn’t tell why I thought it was ugly but it just was. With my previous tank, I had this l“aha!” moment one day where I pictured the direction I wanted to go and how I wanted corals to grow in eventually. But with the new...
  6. nautical_nathaniel

    Tips on Putting the Gold Back in my Gold Torch

    I was wondering if anyone had any tips and tricks to get the gold color back in my Gold Torch. It's looking more like a plated gold torch with the plating coming off :confused: It acts healthy and receives food like a champ. I may have had it under too much light but I recently toned down my...
  7. C

    Coraline Algae

    Hello im somewhat new to saltwater aquariums ive had mine up now for roughly 6 months. Im have trouble getting different types of coraline algae to grow. The only color i have is a reddish color and from what i understand other colors have to be physically brought into my tank? How would i go...
  8. Kevinkmk

    AI Hydra 26 HD spectrum setting

    Hi folks, I am changing my light to the Hydra 26 HD. Wondering what is your successful spectrum for coral color pop and growth. I have a mixed reef with mostly sps on the top and lps (chalice, acan, socly) at the bottom. Will turning the UV and voilet same as blue will burn the corals? Any...
  9. Kevinkmk

    How to boost coral color's vibrant and glow?

    Hi everyone, I having some difficult to keep my corals color to its best. Usually when I bought bought new corals they are very vibrant and glowing with its color. However after sometimes, their glowing will fade away but their base color is still there. Wondering what should I do? Thank you...
  10. HuskerTank

    Nitrate and Phosphate Dosing Photos

    Curious to see if anyone has photos of their progress with nutrient dosing. I see many threads of discussion of how to go about this but I have not seen too many discussions with photos of "improved coloration and growth" that many people claim. Please post your results. Thanks in advance!
Extreme Corals