
  1. Salty_Taste

    Question: Coral Color Maturation!

    Hi Everyone, I've attempted to see if there were any previous threads on this topic but found no luck. Curious to learn more about color maturation in corals as they grow. We hear about corals losing color due to light intensity and what not, but I want to go a different route and see what...
  2. Nicerreefs

    What is your favorite coral that has the best color in your reef tank ?

    What is your favorite coral that has the best color in your reef tank ? We'd love to hear what you have to share with us! :) - Nicer Reefs "Your Reef. But Nicer." Social Media: IG: @Nicer_reefs FB: Twitter: @nicerreefs Tiktok: @Nicerreefs
  3. Chee-tomorpha

    Improve Flame Angelfish Color

    I've had this flame angelfish for at least 8 months now and its color has faded a lot. It is a washed out orange now. My last one was with me for 4 years and went through the same thing. It also has been getting what I can only describe as "peppering" - a term used in the fresh water side with...
  4. chemicals

    New zoanthids polyps not as colorful

    I’ve noticed that new polyps from different zoanthids are a lot less colorful then their “mother” polyps. What could the cause be? salinity: 1.026 Temp: 26.5 C ( 78.8 F) Nitrate: ~7 Phosphate: 0.04 Alk: 7 Calcium: 420 Magnesium: 1280 Par: between 75-150
  5. B

    Amazing Growth & Polyp Extension But Lack of Tissue Color

    Hey Everyone, Having a bit of an issue with my first Acro frag that is puzzling me. I was sold this frag about 1.5 months ago as Bali Green Slimmer. You can see the picture from when it first went in the tank. I've also provided some up to date images from today as well as a quick video. The...
  6. Knawaiseh

    EMERGENCY I will literally quit this hobby! Corals lose colors in a matter of days or weeks

    My corals lose colors in a matter of days and some take weeks or just look pale, I’ve searched through everything and nothing helped.please help if you can!!!! I’m currently using all for reef and dosing iod by tropic marine, and use tropic marine pro salt. I have one radion g4 and two ai prime...
  7. Gk5321

    General Acro Question (ORA Green Planet)

    I am finally back in the hobby and starting off hard with a nano sps tank. The tank is doing great so far. I had two test corals in it (green digi an acan) both have grown very well over the last 8 months or so. I bought a few new sps frags from wwc that are all on the easier spectrum...
  8. Solyum

    Schedule of evergrow it5012 full sps

    Hey Everyone, I'm getting an Envergrow soon and I'm looking for a good program for a full sps tank My aquarium is 150cm X 40cmX 60cm (50cm of watter) Thank you in advance
  9. Solyum

    schedules of Evergrow It 5012 Full SPS

    Hey Everyone, I'm getting an Envergrow soon and I'm looking for a good program for a full sps tank My aquarium is 150cm X 40cmX 60cm (50cm of watter) Thank you in advance :)
  10. fersamano

    How to Get Pastel Colours

    Hi! I am searching a tip or secret to get a pastel colours in my acroporas. I ask to other people and only say to me low no3 and po4. My parameters Po4 0.001 (hanna phosforus url) no3 0.4 (hanna nitratus lr)
  11. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Cerith Snails Loosing Color

    Could this be caused by low calcium? I'm not sure but I've posted another thread that had my parameters and they said that my calcium and magnesium was a little low but I should be fine for what I have in the tank. These were Fridays readings. Ammonia 0ppm Nitrite 0 - 0.01ppm Nitrate 3.5ppm...
  12. Azurenoace

    Custom DIY LED HPL Colors

    Hi, i wanna make an custom led hpl no dimmer, when on all light is turned on, i wanna ask about the colors, which is better? A or B from the pictures below, thankas before
  13. reefsaver

    Australia and Nudibranchs/Sea Slugs.

    Hypothetically if you were Australian and you were struggling for months to find a distributor in your country to purchase a specific Nudibranch you have researched in depth, and it is illegal to import pretty much all marine animals in Australia without a license. And you didn't want a license...
  14. S

    Euphyllia losing color/translucent (first reef2reef post)

    Hello! Ive been running my 14 gallon Nuvo for about 4 months now and have had good success so far. My tank consists of mainly zooas and euphyllia and uses a Radion xr15 4th gen. Ive noticed the color in the euphyllia (mainly the frogspawn) has not been as clear as I have seen in others tanks of...
  15. Gonj

    Zoa losing color

    Hi there! Picked up these zoas a week or two ago, they opened up right away when putting them in my tank and they’ve seemed to have been doing fine, I noticed today they’re dulling out. They used to be a bright green around the edges the largest head still has some trace of the original colors...
  16. A

    Low nutrients causing sps color loss?

  17. Unnatural

    Nano Build First Tank: Fluval Evo 13.5

    I live in an apartment in a city and manager lady told me I could only have a small fish tank... I think she meant something more like a 2 gal betta tank... *awkward laugh* Anyways, after a lot of research online I decided to go with a Fluval Evo 13.5 tank. There was a lot of debate in my head...
  18. B

    Something i didnt know was possible

    Just curious is anyone else has seen this or can shed some light on it. A while back I picked up an atlantic blue tang that was going through transition (blue body, yellow tail). While in qt the tang reverted back to its juvenile colors and has shown no sign of transitioning. Fish is healthy no...
  19. F

    Why Does the Color of fish change when it dies? What are some of the scientific reasons?

    Hi there, I am a researcher, and I need to know why do the color of fish change when they die? What are some of the scientific reasons? Thanks.
  20. BloopFish

    Marbled Porcelain Crab

    Thought this would be interesting to some people. This porcelain crab used to be completely red, then it turned pale and now it is marbled with both coloration. No clue why it is like this, my other red porcelain crab never changed colors.
  21. Proverbs3:5-6

    Picking out new coral!

    Hey everyone, I’m thinking I want to pick out some new coral for my tank. I’m running a 75gallon with an ati 48” dimmable 8x54 t5 fixture. I really have no experience with sps corals and usually stick to lps and softies. I had been out of the hobby but recently got back in and so far have some...
  22. CreatiVe2

    USA Neptune BoB (Break Out Box) Custom Text And Numbering - Multi Color

    Hello, This is a brand new item designed and fabricated to be 100% custom. The Stock Break Out Box can be an eye sore, especially if you take pride in your cable management. This break out box is completely customized by you. No one else on the internet has this option for a Neptune Apex Bob...
  23. Perpetual Novice

    Question about Longnose Hawkfish Color Morphs and Other Differences. I need help deciding.

    I am about to do the second wave of stocking in my 100 gallon tank and decided I'm going to make a bulk order of smaller fish on LIve Aquaria. I want to get a Longnose Hawkfish but when I went to add it to my cart I saw they offer two options the same size and the same price. The only difference...
  24. Tanking in the 603

    Goby color changing

    We have two sleeper banded gobys. In our reef tank. We have noticed that every once in a while they have new spots or their colors are brighter. Today we noticed one of them now has a black line on his face, kind of like a mustache. Anyone have any insight on this?
  25. Perpetual Novice

    When will my leopard wrasse change sex?

    I have two leopard wrasses 4 inch and 3 inch roughly. They both have the speckled female color pattern and look roughly the same except for size. They are active, eat well, and get along great. Usually they are within a foot of each other at any given time so they seem to prefer to swim and hunt...
NicerReefs. Your Reef. But Nicer.