
  1. Reefing_addiction

    Newbie Question about my Clowns

    Just got them a last weekend. They started out swimming as most fish horizontally than all the sudden all they do is swim vertically at the back of the tank. They did eat this morning. I’m just wondering if this is normal. first video is of this odd behavior second is from a few days ago. I...
  2. imanewberry

    Is this normal clownfish behavior?

    When I get home from work at night my clownfish goes nuts. I usually feed during the day and he gets fed plenty. He seems like he is all over the place and bumping into the glass but he may just be precisely swimming to each side. This seems a little erratic. Thoughts?
  3. U

    Help! Clown fish behavior!

    I’m new to the fish community and I recently moved to Okinawa Joan and got a clown fish. They only had 1 at the time and she has a blueish fish in there with her and they said they can be together. But anyhow she has been swimming in all different ways. Head down with belly against glass, on...
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