clownfish white spot

  1. Reef_Tanks

    EMERGENCY Clownfish whitespot

    So currently in my tank i have 2 Clowns, Orange Shoulder Tang, Blue Tang, Flame Angel and an Epaulette Shark These are the water parameters and yes I know Alk was low but has been increased. So basically out of all the fish I have currently the 2 clowns have white spot the larger one being...
  2. seb375

    EMERGENCY Clownfish beat up and dying

    Hello, this afternoon as I was feeding my fish I noticed that one of my black clowns weren’t coming out to eat as this one always does. He always gets bullied and bit so I just thought he was hiding for a moment. But then 5 minutes went by he still wasn’t out and his buddy always kept swimming...
  3. N

    White something on left gill of clownfish

    My clownfish just arrived but they have a white something on/in there left gill. I dont know what does anyone know what this is and if its dangerous?