clownfish pairing

  1. J

    Pairing maroon clownfish

    Bought 2 maroons last week. One 4 inches long and the other just around 1.75 inches. They were not a pair. Both kept in seperate tanks. I put them in a bare tank that I recently took down and set back up. I did this thinking if the female has nothing to “protect” in the tank, she wont be so...
  2. R

    Clownfish Killed Mate

    Hi there! Over this passed week, my larger clownfish, Amphitrite, has been picking on my smaller clownfish, Poseidon. Because of this, Poseidon started to hide within the coral and in a little cave in the tank. I kept an eye on him to make sure he wasn’t getting too beat up and researched a bit...
  3. MissouriReefer31

    Pairing an aggressive clownfish ( Cinnamon)

    I have a very large female Cinnamon Clownfish female I got her from a LFS she was turned in because owner tore down the tank, I've tried to pair her to two different small Cin Clowns and she is semi aggressive but after a week or two she ends up killing or trying to kill the small clown. I...
  4. GroverCleveland

    Clownfish paired with a not Clownfish?

    Has anyone ever heard of a Clownfish pairing with something that isn’t a Clownfish at all? Backstory: I had 2 paired clownfish and at some point I bought a single Green Chromis. During the day the pair of clowns and the Chromis would do their own thing, but at night the 3 would rest side by...
  5. EricR

    Newbie Clownfish ID

    Newbie clownfish questions (video below): *He's small, about 1", and been in the established 37 gallon tank for about 3 weeks. 1. Please help ID -- is this an Ocellaris? 2. To buy a friend now, I assume I need to get another small one the same size but does it have to be the same species (if I'm...
  6. N

    Maroon clown pairing !

    So I’ve been in the saltwater game for about 2 years (I’m an amateur, but I’m learning) my first fish was a gold stripe maroon clown. She was in my first saltwater tank (40 gallons) then we moved her to a 75 gallon with a yellow tang and some chromis. Then we got her to host her first green bta...
  7. Azedenkae

    Those who had a large clownfish pair and lost the male, what size clown did you introduce to make a pair again?

    As per question. If you had two large clownfish (any species) and lost the male of the pair, how did you find success again? What size fish did you introduce, and how did you introduce it? Or is there something else you did? Select all options that apply, and please feel free to explain in as...
  8. saltmine

    Juvenile Lightning Maroon Pairing Troubles

    Hi all. I am having some trouble with my lightning maroons clowns, which seems to be a common tale! This is my first saltwater aquarium. We set it up over the course of this month and it finished cycling last weekend, so on Sunday we put in the two clowns. Things seemed fine at first - there...
  9. jackalexander

    Clownfish Pairing

    So in my previous post I had trouble pairing my WW and vivid ocellalris. Probably an hour after my post my WW started fighting the vivid super aggressively and he would not stop. I took the vivid out and transferred it to my friends fish tank so that it could heal and unfortunately it succumbed...
  10. jackalexander

    Clownfish behavior

    I have had my vivid ocellaris in the tank for a bit over a week but I decided it was time for a friend so I got myself a wyoming white ocellaris but I can’t tell what their behavior is like. The wyoming white will follow the vivid all over the tank and slaps his tail against her and sometimes...
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