clownfish injury

  1. KeiraHachiko

    Clownfish has an injury

    Hi! This is my first post and I’m fairly new to the hobby! I have a 90litre tank with two ocellaris clowns and a lawnmower blenny. I have come home and found my female to have this injury. Anyone have any idea what it might be? Should I treat it? What with? Based in Australia, my closest...
  2. Reefer37

    Injured Clownfish?

    Just today noticed a raised portion of my clownfish's lip where it appears she might have got injured. I can't tell if it's that or something worse, but she has been acting pretty normal with no weird swimming or behavior and definitely has an appetite. All other fish in the tank seem fine...
  3. Salemsoul

    Thought it was brooklynella, now I think she's being bullied

    Hey guys I need some help with my clownfish Videl. She came half dead & with an insane injury to her head. Its been 2 years and while she recovered from the original injury, she never been a strong swimmer and tends to go on & off feed. This started with what I thought was brook on her, but my...
  4. alimac122

    Spinal injury or something more?

    I got these guys on the 22nd they Appeared to have appetites but slowly over the week, they just seem to be eating and spitting out food. The healthier one has taken on to eating brine here and there. The more emaciated (swimming vertical) one hasn’t had interest in any food in two days. I just...
  5. Deathling

    Red dot on clownfish

    There is a small red dot under the mouth of my new clownfish, anyone know what it could be???
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