clownfish id

  1. H


    I’m thinking this is a black Picasso clown fish
  2. Dad2Wyatt

    Designer clownfish ID?

    Ordered a black ocellaris for $40 and LFS ordered the wrong thing. They refunded me $20 for the mixup and I came home with this dude and curious what it might be? someone said frostbite but I haven’t seen a frostbite with black fins?
  3. ShadowWolfBloodMoonBorn

    What morph is this?

    I saw this guy at PetCo and fell in love with his appearance I wanted to get another clownfish for one I already had a platinum. I bought a regular one but it gets nothing but picked on by my original she did well with a black snowflake so I grabbed this guy to see if they would get along...