clownfish fry

  1. SimplyVibing

    Heating fry tanks

    Hi, I’m starting my journey breeding clownfish. I will have three pairs (I’d start with one, but I already have three unpaired female clownfish so why not?). If each pair lays twice a month, I’ll reasonably need 6 fry tanks. I’m going to divide a 55 gal into 6 sections that are ~9.5 gallons...
  2. californiarob

    Rotifers and Ciliates Euplotes sp.

    I am sure this has come up on the forums but wanted to see if any research has been done on this within the hobbyist. I have been rearing clownfish since the late 80's and got out of it in the late 90's and recently started again, back in the day I had many types of containers for rots, from 2...
  3. Mike N

    Clownfish babies fighting... normal?

    Got 5 baby clownfish about 3 weeks old, two pairs are fighting quite a lot lately. I'm assuming this is pretty normal and nothing to worry about, but would like reassurance. Only have five out of the 12 that I caught, so I don't want to lose any. I'll definitely separate them if need be.
Reef Breeders