clownfish disease

  1. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish with white stringy poop and fins looking weird

    I have another clownfish and a goby and they’re fine. My clownfish is still eating and swimming normally, which i guess is a good sign How do i treat him asap? Attached a video below
  2. Scaggs1117

    EMERGENCY White spot near dorsal fin, only one on fish

    Hey guys, this morning I noticed a white spot near one of my clownfish dorsal fin. There’s only one on it’s body so I don’t think it’s the ich. I attached a picture even though it’s not the best quality. It’s sort of crater like raised a little bit. Was wonder if this was cryptocaryon or...
  3. Herbie's Reef

    need help with possible clownfish disease

    Hi, I just recently purchased a pair of Wyoming White clownfish and they have been in quarantine with copper and nitrofurazone. Today is the 6th day and I noticed a long white string hanging from one of the cowfishes belly along with irregular swimming patterns and a damaged back fin. I am...
  4. S

    Clownfish disease help ASAP Please

    I don’t know what happened, fish eyes are now cloudy and underneath whiting with a pale coat. I did some research and I believe it’s brook disease but I’m not 100% sure and even if it is, it’s 12:38 am and nothing is open what can I do? And is this the disease I’m looking at? Please help, thank...
  5. S

    Weird little growth like thing on clownfish fin?

    Does anyone have any idea what this is on my clownfish? Weird little blip right on top of her armpit kind of. Whiteish and pinkish. I live in Florida and it’s been in the 30s here the past couple days. Wondering if it could possibly be stress related due to the changing of the water temperature?
  6. Reef_Tanks

    EMERGENCY Clownfish spots

    I've had these clowns for a decent while now and noticed they had tiny tiny spots only on their heads I hope it is nothing to stress about but any help would be appreciated You can only see the spots if you look very very closely otherwise just looks like another healthy clown so was just...
  7. Reef_Tanks

    Clownfish White poop

    Sorry about the picture quality but little bit of white stringy poop hanging out of my clown today anyone know if this is normal or something else read other things saying it could be a parasite It might be nothing but not an expert yet lol
  8. squidarcher

    Clownfish acting different with dents in his head??

    This clownfish went through a 30-day QT with light medication. It’s been 10 days since he(or she) was added to the display and as of last night he hasn’t been moving much. He is opening and closing his mouth rapidly, and there is a singular white spot on his chin. He also had little dents in his...
  9. T

    EMERGENCY Clownfish swimming in one spot

    Dear Reef2Reef Community, I run a nano cube reef tank with mostly LPS since Feb 2021. After decades of fresh water, this is my first salt water project, and it seemed to be going well so far. I have added two ocellaris clownfish as the only fish exactly two weeks ago. While one seemed slightly...
  10. Cantusaurus

    Is this normal when treating Brook?

    Hi, I am treating my female clownfish in my QT tank. I believe the clown had a mild case of Brook. I only saw a small amount of white spots. But I saw faint little like spots where the coloration was a bit different. (Not white spots, but it didn’t really look like flukes either). Is this what...
  11. Reefer37

    Internal Parasites or Pregnant Clown?

    I have a pair of clowns that have been together a little over a year now. I'd say the male is 2 years old and female 3 or 4. They've been behaving very much like pre-spawn for the first time with the male clearing out a spot (picking up sand and moving it) and both clearing out areas and doing...
  12. ShrimpBandit

    Clownfish cause for concern?

    Tl;dr - watch the attached video and let me know if you think this fish looks ill. :) Apologies in advance for the length. A little over 4 months ago, some friends who were moving gave us this FO 40g tall tank. It came with four clownfish - one cinnamon, two orange ocellaris, and one black &...
  13. Brocksreef117

    Clownfish infection on pectoral fin?!

    I’ve had the clowns for almost 3 months and they still Haven’t mated and have been fighting I noticed a couple days ago a white discoloration at the base of his pectoral fin (only white when the blues are on) and when I i was running the white and blues the discoloration looks almost brown any...
  14. T

    Brand new Clownfish problems

    So I just bought 2 new clownfish for my salt water tank a couple hours ago, and ever since they were in the bag they were breathing super hard. This is my first salt water tank so I’m super inexperienced in this, but I have been keeping freshwater successfully for a couple years now. So 5 hours...
  15. D

    Can you please ID this clownfish disease?

    It's showing signs of rapid breathing. I think some of the wear on the fins could be because it was picked on in another tank but I'm not sure.
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