clownfish bullying

  1. Mattc123

    One clown possibly bullying the other help

    Hey everyone. So I'm having some problems with my clowns or rather one of them. I've had them almost 4 months now and I've never had such an issue with fighting/pecking. My white one has always submitted to the black one and done the little clown shake/shimmy to submit and that's it. Recently...
  2. GroverCleveland

    Clownfish paired with a not Clownfish?

    Has anyone ever heard of a Clownfish pairing with something that isn’t a Clownfish at all? Backstory: I had 2 paired clownfish and at some point I bought a single Green Chromis. During the day the pair of clowns and the Chromis would do their own thing, but at night the 3 would rest side by...
  3. A

    Should I search for a possible dead fish? Advice needed

    Hi everyone Im assuming my female clownfish killed my male clownfish. She was attacking the male all day(Monday) and by the next day(Tuesday) the clownfish was missing. Even though they lived in harmony for 4 months my theory was the male was too small(a baby when I got him) and could not live...
  4. B

    Clownfish questions

    I posted recently about one of our clownfish acting strange, but now I have more general questions. We have 3 clownfish that all came together (yes I know 3 is a crowd) and we have had them for months with no issues. A few days ago I had multiple issues at once and panicked (tank salinity was...
  5. ShrimpBandit

    Clownfish cause for concern?

    Tl;dr - watch the attached video and let me know if you think this fish looks ill. :) Apologies in advance for the length. A little over 4 months ago, some friends who were moving gave us this FO 40g tall tank. It came with four clownfish - one cinnamon, two orange ocellaris, and one black &...
  6. Cfellini91

    HELP! Introduced a Platinum into tank with black clown. Black clown is not happy! WHAT DO I DO?!

    I traded some frags to my LFS and used the credit to get a new fish. (Currently I have a 6-Line wrasse, coral beauty angel and a black clown in 30g tank). I picked up a platinum clown. I asked the guy how he think she'd do with my black clown I have had for a year and he said as long as the...
  7. S

    Which fish to add to clownfish pair for 32 gallon Biocube

    Hi there, brand new to the hobby. Bought a 32 gallon Biocube to “keep it simple” but have something fun and new during quarantine. But then when I learned about water changes and water parameters and such, bought the APEX system to automate the tank so I could take good care of the new pets...
  8. KevinC

    Clownfish pair started fighting

    Hi all, I have a pair of midnight and Wyoming white clownfish that laid eggs before until recently I moved them into the display tank and they stopped. I also notice there is some aggression problem going on. Any idea what’s going on? The female is 3 inch and male is 2.75 inch. Thanks!
  9. T

    Larger aggressive clownfish vibrating

    Hi guys, I have two ocellaris clownfish. One black/white and regular one. Black is smaller and always being attacked and trapped in the corner.I have never seen him vibrate. The aggressor sometimes vibrates. From what I have read the black one should eventually start submitting and the...
  10. Ignitros

    Lightning Maroon Clowns aggression?

    I just purchased a pair of lightning maroon clowns from the local LFS and they seemed fine together there in the tank and fine for the first 24 hours after introducing them to the quarantine tank. Now the larger one is randomly chasing the smaller one around the tank nipping at it. One is...
  11. jk_s124

    Clownfish picking on chromis

    Hello, tried searching for discussion about this but was unable to find much. I recently introduced a blue green chromis into my biocube 29. I have a firefish, perc and ocellaris as well in the tank. Everything was great for the first few weeks, but the past 2-3 weeks our chromis has been...
  12. Coach63

    Old Clownfish not getting along with the new guy!

    Hello, Bought two clownfish about a year and a half ago from the same lot at the fish store. They got along great; sadly, one died about 3 weeks ago so I bought another one to replace the dead one. From the moment I finished QT and put him in the display tank, the old one will not leave him...
  13. SLCarrillo

    Clownfish dragged away from food

    hello all! I recently bought 2 clownfish at my lfs and they HATE each other. I even got one a little bigger to naturally encourage a “pecking order” but the big one is REALLY mean. To the point where I get nervous about my little guy. Today i was hand feeding them and the little one came in for...
  14. WhiskeyCoffee

    Clownfish suddenly fighting after anemone started hosting

    So I've had the same two clownfish in my tank for about 6 months, and they've always coexisted peacefully. I've also had a RBTA in there which neither showed interest in. Well, I recently moved to a new house and used that opportunity to stick the clowns in a Tupperware with the RBTA. I left...