clownfish biting

  1. GroverCleveland

    Clownfish paired with a not Clownfish?

    Has anyone ever heard of a Clownfish pairing with something that isn’t a Clownfish at all? Backstory: I had 2 paired clownfish and at some point I bought a single Green Chromis. During the day the pair of clowns and the Chromis would do their own thing, but at night the 3 would rest side by...
  2. That1guy07

    HELP! Clownfish has ripped fins under the body and is now not moving it’s tail fin

    Just an hour ago I discovered my clownfish is not using its tail fin to swim anymore. It is just using its pectoral fins. This is not normal. He is eating fine and he has full color except in the underside. He has ripped fins all alone the bottom of him. Just the bottom fins not the top. Those...
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    How do I tell if my clowns have paired?

    I've got to premium grade frostbite clowns. They spend most of the day exploring the tank not necessarily next to each other all the time. At night they sleep in the same place above my powerhead and when I put my hands in the tank to clean one of them murders my fingers while the other mock...
  4. SandyBay

    Clownfish fighting.. but teared up fin.

    Hi all, so I picked up my clownfish two days ago and they were sold as a pair. However today I noticed that they were totally going at it and the smaller one has some tears on his (pectoral?) fins from bites- which only showed up within the past day :( 1. What should I do? Do I intervene or...
  5. Reefer37

    Anyone Else's Male Clown Mean?

    So I've had a pair of ocellaris clowns together for about 10 months now and they love each other. Always doing the dance and hanging out with each other. Part of me thinks they're at least thinking about becoming a breeding pair, as they clean out this section of my tank regularly. Anyway, I...
  6. A

    Clownfish Unpaired

    About 3 months ago me and my boyfriend bought a nano-saltwater tank (upgrading soon) with two ocellaris clownfish. We also bought a cleaner shrimp all from PetCo (there are no marine stores near us), and the tank was running perfect. All levels were good, our male Svedka was doing the submissive...
  7. jackalexander

    Clownfish behavior

    I have had my vivid ocellaris in the tank for a bit over a week but I decided it was time for a friend so I got myself a wyoming white ocellaris but I can’t tell what their behavior is like. The wyoming white will follow the vivid all over the tank and slaps his tail against her and sometimes...
  8. Cfellini91

    HELP! Introduced a Platinum into tank with black clown. Black clown is not happy! WHAT DO I DO?!

    I traded some frags to my LFS and used the credit to get a new fish. (Currently I have a 6-Line wrasse, coral beauty angel and a black clown in 30g tank). I picked up a platinum clown. I asked the guy how he think she'd do with my black clown I have had for a year and he said as long as the...
  9. Fellersjohn6

    Ich Velvet or simply fighting sound?

    Hi, I have these two mai tai clownfish and what is going on is that my tank passed through a wipe out of ich/velvet (I’m not sure to be honest) and all my fish end up dying so I just left the tank empty for 7 weeks the fallow period and just two weeks ago I bought these two clownfish (they...
  10. O

    HELP! Female clownfish is killing male!

    in my 14 gallon bio cube that I have had for over 3 years, with the ocellaris clowns who have lived together for 3 years in peace. However lately they have been severely attacking eachother. The female has bitten off almost all of the males back take and a lot of his fins. It is really bad and...
  11. T

    Larger aggressive clownfish vibrating

    Hi guys, I have two ocellaris clownfish. One black/white and regular one. Black is smaller and always being attacked and trapped in the corner.I have never seen him vibrate. The aggressor sometimes vibrates. From what I have read the black one should eventually start submitting and the...
  12. Snake132

    What is my clownfish doing ? Anemone weird behavior

    Can anyone explain to me clownfish behavior when they want to host an anemone ? What does it look like and how can I tell . The bta I have is small and healthy this morning is was 75% closed which it does from time to time . My clown which has never been near it has started to stare at it for a...