clownfish aggression

  1. SaltwaterNo0b

    Aggressive clownfish I had to isolate/Anenome advice

    Hello there, I am a new member of Reef2Reef and I can not begin to express the excitement/relief I feel to have found a place where I can ask for advice/share any concerns I may have. Compared to my husband I am a noob and I tend to ask more questions than he can answer, I just have a very...
  2. A

    Fish won’t let me clean aquarium without attacking my hand/brush

    I have a green hair algae problem meaning i have to constantly brush them off. Before my clownfish was fine with it. today he decided to attack whatever i tried cleaning the algae with. how am i supposed to do the maintenance if he doesn’t let me?? does anyone have any tips????
  3. CarlReef

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Fighting ? Or mating ?

    Hello, recently purchased a pair of clown fish. ( They were paired at the time of purchase) along with a sebae Anemone. I have had these guys for about 5 days and just 2 days ago I got them to host the anemone. everything was good up until yesterday and am worried / wondering if I should...
  4. Goni Bananas

    Long term clownfish pair (like years together) suddenly killing each other

    Hey everyone, So I have a pair of Spotcinctus clownfish that I've had for at least 4 years if not 5. They have been with me from a 28 gal to a 55 and In august, they were moved across the country into a 300-gallon. this entire time they've never even attempted to breed despite being massive...
  5. S

    Clownfish Pairing Behaviour

    Hi! Just want to check that things are normal when the bigger one (most likely female) is doing it’s submissive dance to the smaller one. I’ve only heard that it only happens the other way round. It’s been a month since i’ve added them and the smaller one stays near the top and the bigger one is...
  6. mel_ociraptor

    Bully Clowns—Can’t remove the male

    Hey there! New to saltwater but not new to the aquarium hobby—we have a 90gallon (4 month old) reef tank whose inhabitants are 2 emerald crabs, roughly 6 hermits, 8 snails, and 4 juvenile Ocellaris clowns (2 black ice and 2 bulletholes—they’re orange). We got the original four because they were...
  7. R

    A lot of aggression from ocellaris clownfish! Advice needed

    Hello reefers, I need help pairing ( or at least calming down) my clownfish. To give some background: a week ago I got 2 clowns ( from the same LFS, same tank, both ocellaris, one black, one orange). After a lot of fighting (black one bullying orange), I isolated a black one in the breeder box...
  8. R

    Clownfish Killed Mate

    Hi there! Over this passed week, my larger clownfish, Amphitrite, has been picking on my smaller clownfish, Poseidon. Because of this, Poseidon started to hide within the coral and in a little cave in the tank. I kept an eye on him to make sure he wasn’t getting too beat up and researched a bit...
  9. MissouriReefer31

    Pairing an aggressive clownfish ( Cinnamon)

    I have a very large female Cinnamon Clownfish female I got her from a LFS she was turned in because owner tore down the tank, I've tried to pair her to two different small Cin Clowns and she is semi aggressive but after a week or two she ends up killing or trying to kill the small clown. I...
  10. UkiahTheTurtle

    Female clownfish chasing and nipping male

    So I recently posted to figure out what one of my clowns is the female clown and the one that seemed like the female is definitely the male because he just started getting chased around and nipped at by the female why did this just happen so suddenly also now he is at the surface of the water...
  11. K

    Adding fish to maroon clown only tank

    I have 25 gallon lagoon mixed reef with 1 sole white lightning maroon clownfish (3” size) I’m not sure on his aggressiveness since I’ve had no other fish with him. How likely or rather unlikely will I be able to introduce another fish or 2 into my tank. I wouldn’t mind trying to make a pair of...
  12. Fernandaft

    Help Clownfish fighting

    They have been together in this tank for over 6 months. a few days ago I started to notice some fights, but today it's super intense. Is this fight level still considered normal or do I need to remove one of them? Thanks
  13. H

    Questioning if I can add new tank mates with my bonded pair of clowns-13.5 evo

    I bought a 13.5 evo tank with a full set up from a seller than was over the hobby. I made a bunch of upgrades as well and had to handle a crazy outbreak of algae from him. However, this tank came with a pair of 2.5 year old clownfish. I was wondering if I could add another small fish like a...
  14. Julbra

    Who let the Clowns out?

    Unfortunately I think I must rehome my Clowns (Amphiprion percula). They were the first fish in my 90 gallon (Red Sea XL425). They never really cared for my aquascaping efforts at multiple caves and arches, they just bobbed around the corners for months. This was fine. Two weeks ago, I...
  15. H

    Clown fish fighting

    Hi Everyone, I recently just bought my first salt water tank from a guy in my area and 2 clown fish. The tank has been running for about 2 weeks now, however the 2 clownfish just started chasing constantly all day today. The seller told me he bought them from a place that had bonded them already...
  16. rantipole

    Tankmate for Territorial Clownfish

    I have had my 13.5 gallon Fluval Evo AIO for about 4.5 years. I've had a pair of occelaris clowns since starting the tank. Recently, the large (almost 4 inches) female started bullying the male and, I think due to the bullying, he jumped out of the tank. I recently added a small clown and the...
  17. GroverCleveland

    Clownfish paired with a not Clownfish?

    Has anyone ever heard of a Clownfish pairing with something that isn’t a Clownfish at all? Backstory: I had 2 paired clownfish and at some point I bought a single Green Chromis. During the day the pair of clowns and the Chromis would do their own thing, but at night the 3 would rest side by...
  18. A

    Should I search for a possible dead fish? Advice needed

    Hi everyone Im assuming my female clownfish killed my male clownfish. She was attacking the male all day(Monday) and by the next day(Tuesday) the clownfish was missing. Even though they lived in harmony for 4 months my theory was the male was too small(a baby when I got him) and could not live...
  19. That1guy07

    HELP! Clownfish has ripped fins under the body and is now not moving it’s tail fin

    Just an hour ago I discovered my clownfish is not using its tail fin to swim anymore. It is just using its pectoral fins. This is not normal. He is eating fine and he has full color except in the underside. He has ripped fins all alone the bottom of him. Just the bottom fins not the top. Those...
  20. T

    New Clownfish fighting

    I bought one mocha storm clown fish three days ago today I bought a black snowflake and a bubble chip anatomy they both hosted the anatomy me at first but then the black snowflake started being aggressive with the storm and scared him off what should I do is this normal or could this progress to...
  21. TheFishTickler

    High Magnesium, Low Calcium?

    Testing with Salifert and API respectively, my magnesium is 1530 and calcium is 360. Is this normal? Should I dose calcium? If so, how much? My tank is 20 gallons. Also got a male and female cleaner shrimp recently. The female died this morning, wondering if the clowns pestered her too much or...
  22. M

    Clownfish fin torn by Midas Benny?

    Tank: - 40 Gallon Aquatop cube with added wavemaker Livestock: - 1x Midas Blenny (Noodle) - 1x Clownfish pair - 1x Sailfin/Algae Blenny (Salarias fasciatus) idk the common name - various soft corals, mostly frags - CUC Problem: Recently my old female clown died from some parasite I believe...
  23. M

    What to choose

    Dear reefers, Not that long ago I bought a new Orange Stripe Prawn Goby and I loved him. But after 2 days I noticed my Clownfish were attacking my goby, because of that I had to remove the Goby. But now I really want to add a new fish but I don't want the same thing to happen, I know every...
  24. J

    Clownfish Aggressive Towards Mate

    Hello, I recently set up a new tank and added two blackice clownfish. They were friendly with each other at first and now recently the one primarily white clownfish keeps attacking the other. They both twitch at each other here and there but the aggression hasn’t stopped. No damage has occurred...
  25. M

    Orange Stripe Prawn Goby

    2 days ago I added a beautiful Orange Stripe Prawn Goby to my 30 gallon tank. After 1 day I noticed that one of my clowns bit his tail but I didn't worry about it because clowns are very territorial. Now at the second day when I got home I noticed anther bite in his upper fin. Now I’m starting...