
  1. toor.attar

    Stocking!! Which Coral & Fish??

    Hello! I currently have a 15 gallon IM marine that is done cycling and I need help stocking! I am planning on adding a pair of Black Storm Clowns and doing a mixed reef. I am thinking of doing just soft corals and some Lps as this is my first time keeping coral (not saltwater fish). What I am...
  2. S

    What are these marking on my clown fish HELP!!

    So today I noticed that my pair of clowns have this pinkish marking on the same spot on top of their back could this be a sting from the torch they are hosting ?? Or should I be worried
  3. toor.attar

    Fish are yawning

    Hey everybody, I have some fish in my tank that keep yawning occasionally. I have a 55 gallon with 2 clowns, a small butterfly, small tang, and flame hawkfish. I had the tank running with the clowns for a couple months then added the baby tang 2 weeks ago and a week after the butterfly and...
  4. JaFish720

    EMERGENCY Looking for brook confirmation

    Ok I brought this black storm clown home on 12/10/22. He’s always had his dorsal fin clamped and in general never seemed as healthy as my other clown. Had white stringy poo and bloating for which did a full prazi pro treatment and metroplex. That worked. Much more active and no more white...
  5. R

    Clownfish In condylactis

    Tomato Clownfish hosted by Green Tipped Condylactis
  6. Holland16

    Black spots on clown fish

    Hello, been noticing my clown fish has been getting these little black spots on it started very subtle as in the picture below and has increased quite a bit in the last few day.. I have 7 other fish and they all look great! The particular clown fish is still acting/ eating normal Any...
  7. HumbleAsianReefer

    White spot on clownfish tail

    Hello guys. I’m still new in this hobby, 1 year & 2 month to be precise. Hoping there’s someone here can help me out. i got a pair of new clownfish from a friend, healthy and active, eats well too. It’s in the quarantine tank for now, almost 2 weeks. I realized last night, there was a white...
  8. P

    New Pink Skunk Clown, Peeling Scales

    Hello, Two days ago I bought a pair of pink skunk clowns from my LFS. I noticed that one of them had some light white marks on some of its scales in a patch as soon as I got it in my tank. For some reason the lights at the LFS made it hard to see but it was obvious in my tank. It has gotten...
  9. C

    Looking for breeding pairs of clownfish or mature large mature clowns

    Looking for large clownfish or mature breeding pairs
  10. CKnight216

    Getting closer to clownfish breeding… separate tanks or dividers?

    We’ve been doing our research and fatting up our harem… ages 6m-6 years. Breeding clownfish May be part of my daughter’s seniors project on oceanography. Next step growing a bunch of rotifers Question for breeding pairs because they live in harems together now in 2 display tanks… when I pull...
  11. Roatan Reef

    Build Thread Roatan Reefs Build Thread

    Sooooo after 15+ years in the Freshwater Hobby, I finally decided to do a Mixed Reef Tank. Yes, I have Snorkel and Dived all over the Caribbean.. Roatan, Bonaire, Grand Cayman, Belize, Bahamas etc...and not just on a cruise ...we typically rent a house for 1.5 weeks in said locations...so I...
  12. A

    EMERGENCY Weak and pale clownfish

    Hey guys! I added two clownfish a week ago to my new tank, the cycle has been going for 5 weeks already. The problem is that one of them is quite small, pale, and doesn’t really eat much. In the other Hand, the other one is quite big, eats all type of food I feed them, it’s colors are brig and...
  13. M

    Sick Clownfish.

    I think it's brooklynella, but my local pet store says otherwise, but they don't know. I know brooklynella acts fast, but he's been like this for almost 3 days. He's eating, but not much anymore. He's defecating properly too. My major tells for brooklynella are the gasping and slime coat on the...
  14. Sagess

    New to saltwater hobby and just wanted to get some more information about corals!

    Hey everyone! I have had my first saltwater tank up and running for a couple months now. I'm so hooked on it now! I just picked up my first two corals and so far they are doing pretty good! I working on some pretty exciting projects for my tank but was wanting to get some more information...
  15. B

    Mixing Clownfish

    Hey, so I’m new to saltwater and so I have 2 Ocellaris Clownfish and one Clarkii Clownfish (I’m aware of the risk). Soon I will be moving them into my display tank (a 60 gallon) and should I get another Clarkii to get him the same species (None of the clowns have paired yet) and when they do...
  16. K

    Male Clownfish got bit

    Hi so I have had my tank for over two months now and I had started out with two clownfish. About two weeks ago one of them decided to turn female. And now about a week ago she bit my male clown fish and I have been keeping and eye on it but it's starting to look worse (It almost looks like he...
  17. That1guy07

    Is this normal clownfish behavior?

    So for a couple weeks now, my clownfish have been hosting my torch coral. The torch doesn’t seem to mind the clowns constant nuzzling so it seemed fine at first. However, my female(who is under the torch coral in the video) has been there for the past week and a half, occasionally coming out to...
  18. katthereefwife


    Hi I’m Kat, I am new to the salt water tank life. Long story short I convinced my husband to create a salt water tank (and now he says it’s his tank even though it’s our tank). So now we’re here ready to learn and meet other people in the game. We currently have a 10 gallon tank with two cute...
  19. 28B13C38-FED4-4C3B-93C4-A37E1ED98561.jpeg


    Storm clownfish
  20. oceans garden aquaculture

    Livestock ORA Snow storm! Price reduced.

  21. T

    Clownfish- Pelvic fins redacted, swimming awkwardly. Please help

    So I bought my first pair of clownfish about 5 days ago and they paired very easily and immediately. 2 days later I noticed the smaller one was always by the flow outtake and would only swim vertically. I did a water change that day to make sure envy thing was good and while there was less water...
  22. The Fish Tank Hobbyist

    10 Gallon Reef Tank Update

    Hello everyone, Over the past 8 months or so I have been having some success with my 10 gallon reef tank! I just wanted to say thanks to the community for all of the help and advice that you guys have gave. It still has some room for improvements but it has turned out better than what I would...
  23. The Aquatic Arsenal

    Clownfish Eye Candy Thread

    I don't think I have seen a Clownfish Eye Candy Thread on here yet. I figured I would start one! I have this beautiful Gold Dot Maroon to start things off with.
  24. LearningHow2Reef

    How do I know when I did run out of copepods

    Hello there guys! 3 days ago I went to the fish store and I bought two ocellaris (the only members of my tank). When I asked the owner, he told me that I didnt have to buy frozen food, he just sold me a bag of copepods and rotifers (I guess I didnt have any, because rock was dead and it was new)...
  25. BigTex1836

    Stocking plan for 140ga DT with 34ga Sump

    I have a bare bottom 140 gallon tank, 48.5”x24.5”x29.5”. I have been cycling for a month, and parameters have stabilized. I think we are almost ready to start slowly stocking. This is eventually going to be a sps dominant reef tanks, so everything needs to be reef-safe. What are the thoughts...