clown goby

  1. FishAreCool

    More Clown Goby Questions

    I just got a citrinis clown goby today. I dont have any corals yet, but I am going to get some very soon. Is there any types of LPS or soft corals they prefer to perch on, or will they perch on all kinds of coral.
  2. FishAreCool

    Clown Goby Questions

    I like the look of the citrinis clown goby (Gobiodon citrinus) and I have some questions about them. 1. Are they hard to get onto frozen foods? 2. Will they nip other corals besides SPS?
  3. WheatToast

    Quarantine livestock issues

    Hello all! I currently have a citron goby (Gobiodon citrinus), two captive-bred neon gobies (Elactinus oceanops), and a molly miller blenny (Scartella cristata) in my 10-gallon quarantine system (which has not begun medication), which have been with me since 9/5/2022. I have been experiencing...
  4. Q

    Stocking List for 34g

    Hello all, I am finishing up my cycle for a 34g display tank with a 9g sump for a mixed reef with a section of sand at 4" and a cover. Can anyone let me know if the following stocking list would work and, if so, what order of introduction I should follow? 1. pearly jawfish 2. green clown goby...
  5. 208Reefer

    Citron clown goby is sick, can anyone help ID?

    Wassup Reefers, Need some help with a disease ID. I got a citron clown goby for my 40cube a few weeks ago. A handful of days after I introduced him to the reef appetite and behavior seemed normal but I noticed a few white specks on just his fins. The next day his fins were clean/clear of specks...
  6. C

    Multiple clown gobies

    hello everyone, I am researching clown gobies and would love to put a small group or pair in my 20g long, but I have heard conflicting information on putting multiple in, my preference would be multiple or a pair of yellow clown gobies but if I need to get different species I will. Just looking...
  7. duesmortem

    Potential Tankmate for Purple Firefish in 10 Gallon reef tank

    Hello there my fellow aquarists. I am new to the saltwater hobby, but I have been keeping freshwater tanks for almost 10 years now. I have a 10 gallon tank and here is a list of my current inhabitants: 1 Purple Firefish 1 Lettuce Nudibranch 1 Nassarius Snail 1 Anemone Shrimp 2 Blue Legged Hermit...
  8. GreenClown-WarpaintGoby-Megability.jpeg


    My Green Clown “Warpaint” Goby from a few years ago, they’re cool fish, RIP
  9. N

    What's some really good fish & coral for a 6gal Nanocube?

    I just received a 6 gallon Nanocube and was wanting to keep it simple but Beautiful...I have a 28gal coralife cube. I'm looking for some advice on what are some reef peaceful fish that stay small and some corals that would do good in it. I love the clown gobies!! Thanks in advance.
  10. Jimbo Bucket

    Clown Goby hosting in Hammer?

    I keep finding one of my yellow clown gobys head first in a hammer coral. Does it think its a clown and this is an anemone? The first time I noticed it, I thought it was dead. Has anyone else seen this behavior in a clown goby? I have a pair of yellows, I've never seen them both in there......