clown fish pair

  1. Moose.Jy

    Clarkii clowns trouble in paradise?

    Hi everyone! About two months ago we got two clarkii clownfish. At the store they seemed to get along and shared an anemone. in quarantine they always stayed together, the smaller often would swim right under the larger and did little dances for it. The larger just seemed to tolerate the...
  2. BellaD

    New Jersey Live Goods SOLD

    Mated pair of Gold Bar Maroons. Female is very laid back and gets along fine with smaller fish. Price is firm. Pickup in Blairstown, NJ 07825.
  3. J

    Clownfish fighting after water change

    Hello, I’m new to saltwater aquariums and the first two fish I got were clownfish. I’ve had them for about 3 weeks now and they always got along fine until three days ago when I did a 4 gallon water change on my 40 gallon aquarium. During the water change I also took out the pump, heater, and...
  4. Salttanknoob

    Is this color normal for clownfish?

    Tank is 4 weeks old. Tank is cycled. Just wondering if this “yellow” color is normal in clownfish?
  5. phillipsjo21

    Strip Tests vs Liquid Drop Test

    Need some opinions/advice. My LFS that carry saltwater fish is Petco. Other nearest stores are minimum an hour away. I've had a nano AIO running for over a year now and the current fish in there came from my local Petco. I quarentined them first and they are still alive and well today. I set up...
  6. S

    Clownfish fin damage aggression or fin rot?? (help needed)

    Hi .... I've added (2) young clownfish into my tank. Everything was well for the 1st couple of days and then I noticed tears in one of the clown's tail fins and fading to white spots on the tail fin. Each day it looks like the white spots are getting more prominent and chucks of the tail are...
  7. zbever

    75 Gallon Stocking List

    Hello! I am setting up my first saltwater tank. I hope to make a beautiful reef tank in the future. I am starting with my fish until I can afford to light for my coral dreams. I have been keeping fresh water for over 10 years. Right now I am working with a standard 75 gallon. I am...
  8. L

    International WTB Clown fish breeding pair wanted in brantford Ontario Canada

    Clown fish breeding pair wanted in brantford Ontario Canada I am looking for a breeding pair of any clown fish but I’m having trouble finding them
  9. A

    Clownfish pair questions

    Could I add a bonded pair of clownfish to a 30 gallon with a six line wrasse and a canary blenny? Would they all get along? If they do get along fine would that be overstocking? Thanks in advance!