clown fish diagnosis

  1. J

    I need help with clownfish

    My Wyoming white clown fish has a dirt looking mark on both sides of its body near the tale idk what it is
  2. mandarin_toto

    Injured, infected, or parasite on clown?

    Can anyone diagnose what’s going on with this clown? Is it just injured, infected, possible parasite? Seen at local petco where I like to rescue the sickest clowns from and quarantine them to rehabilitate. But not sure how to treat this guy. EDIT: after some more research I am thinking...
  3. X

    Clownfish acting weird

    Hi guys! For the past 3 days, my clownfish has been acting really weird, he is just parking in one corner of the tank, time to time he swims to the bottom or the top of the tank in that same corner, he is eating well, he is not having any trouble breathing, does not have any visible disease...
  4. AdamR0331

    Question about New clowns staying in one spot

    Hello I Picked up a pair of clown fish yesterday and they have been staying in only this one spot since yesterday is this normal for many the first 2-3 days as with any fish but some do it differently ? no signs of heavy breathing just slightly at some moments , 20 gallon long 4 weeks been running
  5. M

    Please help ID

    Hello, Need some help please in ID what is wrong with my Clownfish. I noticed discoloration on body (highlighted in the picture) 4 days ago but the fish was very active and normal so kinda ignored it. However since last night, it mostly stays at one place, does moves here and there but not like...
  6. Reef_Tanks

    EMERGENCY Clownfish spots

    I've had these clowns for a decent while now and noticed they had tiny tiny spots only on their heads I hope it is nothing to stress about but any help would be appreciated You can only see the spots if you look very very closely otherwise just looks like another healthy clown so was just curious
  7. H

    Clownfish losing colour?

    Hi all, Bought my first clownfish and he’s in my tank on its 3rd day of cycling using atm colony. Ammonia levels are at 0.03ppm so all happy with that. I’ve noticed that he’s slightly translucent, and I’m wondering whether this is a sign of general stress or more likely to be disease? He came...
  8. An_Enemy

    Baby clown death on day 23

    Just had a baby clown die at 23 days. I was under the impression that everything was safe at this point. Does anyone know what the cause could be? I'd like to avoid any more deaths. I've checked the water parameters and they all look good. Multiple filters and airstones as well, so there should...
  9. P

    New Pink Skunk Clown, Peeling Scales

    Hello, Two days ago I bought a pair of pink skunk clowns from my LFS. I noticed that one of them had some light white marks on some of its scales in a patch as soon as I got it in my tank. For some reason the lights at the LFS made it hard to see but it was obvious in my tank. It has gotten...
  10. dallasdiamondbully

    Gills intruding out of clown fish

    Hello any suggestions on this clown fish his gulls are coming out new tank looks healthy otherwise eating good ? any suggestions
  11. sunnysophie

    Clarkii Clown with Mystery Disease

    Hello everyone! Long time lurker here. I have a female clarkii clownfish that has been sick for a LONG time now. It’s been at least 1.5-2 months of symptoms with no serious development. I called the LFS and they were not helpful, I’m surprised she’s still alive. She floats near the top, has...
  12. maxemorris

    EMERGENCY Clown laying on sand bed rapid breathing- is he dying?

    I have a 15G tank with a built in sump, a large live rock arch, and a 1” sand bed. Livestock I have a pair of semi storm clownfish (paired), a blue leg hermit crab, a mushroom coral and a duncan coral (both still frags). Temp: 79° F Ammonia: 0.5 ppm Nitrate: 20 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Alkalinity...
  13. S

    EMERGENCY Clown fish with white spots -

    Hello! I am hoping that someone will be able to assist me in troubleshooting a new issue with my clown fish (see attached pictures). I have a total of two, one is completely fine and acting normal. The smaller of the two is having a hard time swimming. He will sink to the bottom and flop...
  14. P

    New clownfish swimming is sideways and vertical but also normally

    Hello all, Yesterday I got this beatiful pair of clown fish, and I put them in my fresh (cycled) tank. Note that they were swimming perfectly fine in the aquarium shop and plastic bag on the way home and during the acclamation process. But, after I put them in the tank and checked up on them...
  15. S

    Clownfish resting on substrate, normal or reason for concern !!!

    Hi and Happy Holidays to you all. I'm new to saltwater and never had clownfish. I started the journey 3weeks ago. Set up the tank 13.5gallon evo with live sand, dry rock an seeded with Dr Tims and added the ammonia. 1week later 90% water change and added (2) clowns and biospira. Noticed...
  16. R

    Spot under clownfish mouth

    Hi, Looks like my clownfish has a weird spot underneath it's mouth. This appeared overnight after some maintenance was done on my tank, it looks like a spot just underneath my clownfish's mouth. Sorry for the bad image quality. Clownfish's breathing looks like it's normal now, but had me...
  17. Semipermeable_Potato

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Grey Spots / Patches

    Hi All, I've got a relatively new tank (~8 weeks old) that I added in my first 2 ocellaris clowns into 2 1/2 weeks ago. So far they have all been well, however I noticed 3 days ago the morning after their 2nd water change, one of the clowns started to develop these grey spots on it. I see a...
  18. L

    ID - ich vs flukes

    Hi guys! Hoping for some help! (Please don’t mind the water on the back of the tank ‍♀️) I’ve had this little guy in a 36g QT tank under coppersafe treatment for 7 weeks now. He had what I thought looked like ich and slight popeye when I first got him then (other clowns in the video have been in...
  19. T

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Dead another with Red eye.

    Hi R2R, long time lurker so first post! I have a 40 breeder setup and did a fish less cycle. My water parameter I’ll post below (using Red Sea kit). I have about 40 pounds of live (dry) rock in my tank and after my fishless cycle (Brightwell kit) I added 4 small clownfish at the same time. 2...
  20. B

    Clownfish Head Injury or Parasite ID Please

    Hi, 6 months into the hobby paying the price of learning some painful lessons re quarantining. Had 4 fatalities over the last two weeks, all visual (gold/brown fuzzy spots, white fuzzy spots) and behavioral (fast breathing, swimming into power head flow, scratching and flipping) seem very...
  21. jsmith1346

    EMERGENCY Clownfish help - looks like injury but on both sides. Need advice and help.

    I’m not sure what’s going on but my clownfish starting getting these spots behind her fins on both sides. They are in the same spot on each side. Now one looks like a cut with something hanging out. This is the female in a mated pair, and the male seems fine. She is still eating and does not...
  22. A

    Clownfish inflamed gill and rapid opening and closing of mouth

    Hello Everyone, I need some help. I got a clownfish pair (non-bonded) from LFS and had to return the female as it was struggling to breathe even when the other one was okay. Now, the other one also is showing some strange behavior. He is mainly in one spot, a few inches above the substrate. I...
  23. A

    New clown fish

    Hello! I am new to the saltwater community and after cycling my tank for about 2 months, testing salinity, and water testing I finally felt I was ready to purchase fish! I got 2 little clown fish and they seem to be doing good. It’s only my 2nd day having them and they haven’t eaten yet, but...
  24. Zoa_Fanatic

    Picky clownfish

    New frostbite clowns won’t hardly eat anything. Had them 5 days. Tank has been running 8 years, biocube 32 led. Tried mysis, brine shrimp, pellets, flakes. Any other ideas? pH-8.0, ammonia-0, nitrate-5ppm, nitrite-0. They will eat but not with any gusto. They just pick and spit it out. They’re...
  25. 3

    Single white spot on clown fish

    I know this isn’t the greatest photo but Pennywise the clown fish is very active so it was hard to take a decent photo. He has a little white spot near his tail and I was wondering what it could be. Like I mentioned, he’s very active, comes to the side of the tank when I’m there to feed them...