
  1. Biota_Marine

    Crocea and Maxima clams are back!

    Hey y'all we finally have some small crocea and maxima clams available again! Our WYSIWYG section has a great selection of them and we plan to update more over the weekend! If you're looking for specific patterns or coloration that isn't listed please let us know. We're also pairing Easy Reefs...
  2. N

    Minnesota Live Goods Large Maxima Clams (5+ inch)

    Couple large (5 inch) Maxima clams available. Showpiece size. Ultra Blue Left - $185 Right - Blue Lightning markings - $230 I can ship . Please PM me for shipping quote Blue Lighting Mantle - Mantle is dark blue, and markings are neon blue (hard to capture true color on camera. but...
  3. N

    Repurposing old Kessil A150W spotlights for LPS and Clams on sandbed 24" depth

    I need some lighting pointers after being out of the loop for 5 years or so. We've moved from a 40B (16" height) Now setup a 120g Eurobraced Peninsula Current lighting consists of the following. 4 Kessil A150's, 10k Sky Blue color temp 10am to about 11:30am natural sunlight through high bay...
  4. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Clams showing up in tank?

    Umm...So I went to clean my skimmer sponge(outlet) the other day and noticed 2 or 3 small white clams. Does this mean something? Should I fix something? Or am I ok? They are white and about 1/4" wide. Tank is a almost 2 months old.
  5. JoannaCora

    Pic Heavy New Live Rock I.D.

    Happy Saturday (to most). I purchased 20lbs of deco live rock from which arrived on Thursday, thanks Dan! I'm loving it so far and I am excited by every new thing I see. If you have seen my other posts you'll notice I'm kind of a name junkie, so as you can imagine getting rock...
  6. R

    Help with Clams and Lighting

    Pardon the unfamiliarity, my grandma gifted me some smallish (2-3 inch) pismo clams that she had bred in her tank, in hopes that I could raise a few of them on my own. She recommended quite a bit of heavy duty lighting equipment, but I'm tight on money and was wondering if there is a way I can...
  7. R

    Proper lighting for small to mid-size clams?

    Pardon the unfamiliarity, my grandma gifted me some smallish (2-3 inch) pismo clams that she had bred in her tank, in hopes that I could raise a few of them on my own. She recommended quite a bit of heavy duty lighting equipment, but I'm tight on money and was wondering if there is a way I can...
  8. P

    What are your thoughts on babylon snails

    So I got two babylon snails... What has everyone's experience been like with babylon snails. Have you had any problems with them... You know eating other things you didn't intend for them to eat? Also I initially didn't think I wanted clams... At least not yet, so I thought I'd be OK. But now...
  9. Davehla

    Has anyone else had issue with orders from Clammania?

    Hi all, I found an Instagram account names clam mania and bought a clam during one of their live sales. I spend $99 plus $20 shipping in a 1.5 inch blue maxima. When my package arrived there were three clams in the package and none of them being the clam I chose in the live sale. I let the...
  10. wvfeefkeeper80

    New Comer to Clams

    Just got my first clam. I tried to be wise and started testing for magnesium in addition to all other important parameters like calcium, phosphates and alkalinity. Levels are ideal. Placed clam at bottom of Fluval 32.5 marine, medium flow. Day one open but nervous. Question or best tips/tricks...
  11. FamilyMan_4

    Cherub Pygmy Angelfish, anyone keeping them?

    I have been trying to narrow down a livestock list for my tank, and another member on here mentioned the Cherub Pygmy Angelfish. I did some reading on them, and most livestock sites mention that 'It may nip at large-polyped stony corals and clam mantles' This seems to be almost the same copy and...
  12. ajtomase

    Best lights for Durasa/Maxima

    My goal down the line is to have either a Durasa or a Maxima clam. Would they be OK with AI Primes for lights, or better with Kessils (or something else)? I plan on having a 160 gallon FOWLR tank as a reference. Thanks!
  13. Jeremy K.A.

    Cleaner clam? Mercenaria mercenaria

    Hey everyone just stumbled across a site selling these today. Cleaner clams "Mercenaria mercenaria and I was curious if anyone has any experience with them? I'd love to give them a shot in a reef tank
  14. MrDeathKills

    Some questions about information on fish.

    Thank you first off for reading and your possible help in this situation! I am getting a 125gal set up. Right now just going over some fish just so I can have a mock plan for the future. Will not be getting any fish till at least 2 months or more from now, as I will be doing a very deep clean...
  15. Waynerock

    Anyone order a clam from Algae barn?

    Just got a great deal from them on an ultra gold maxima. I had no idea they did clams so I took the chance. They have a 100% arrive alive shipping so not worried about that. Has anyone else ordered clams from them? How did they look when you got them. They are all ORA and very well priced, I got...
  16. P

    Do Maxima Clams Move?

    I bought a maxima clam about 1.5in a week ago. Placed it in the sand bed. After trying to move it I felt it had dug in my shallow sand bed and attached itself to the glass. After being put of town for 2 days. I come back and it looks to have loved a few inches. Is this normal?
  17. LiveAquaria

    Giant Clams for Beginners: Beautiful, Hardy & Beneficial

    If provided the proper conditions, giant clams are a great choice not only for the beginner reef aquarist but even for the most advanced reef aquarists, offering beauty, biological benefits as well as biological diversity. Proper lighting, water movement, trace elements and placement of the...
  18. BonelessEvil

    Chasing numbers… Sigh

    I've been doing reef aquaria long enough to know I'm not supposed to chase numbers; yet, I found myself doing that the past couple of weeks. Unfortunately, in the process, I've managed to kill 1 clam, while the other one looks like it's on its way out. Everything else seems to be looking all...
  19. Jeremy K.A.

    Clams on half shell help please

    I'm curious, if I feed my fish clams on the half shell will they end up eating my Live Tridacna/Hippopus as well?
  20. D. Torres

    Clam and hermits ok?

    Sorry if this has been posted already but I really need to know. My main question is are blue leg crabs safe to have around Maxima clams? ;Nailbiting Got a great deal on a couple maxima clams on a recent visit to California (1/3 of the price asked for in Las Vegas) I should have done my research...
  21. YourReef

    YR Memorial Weekend Live Sale- Saturday 5/26- 10am-4pm (pacific time)

    Join us on Reef2Reef Saturday May 26th for our YR Memorial Weekend Live Sale from 10am-4pm pacific time/ 1pm-7pm eastern time. 700+ WYSIWYG frags including frags priced under $10, as well as $5 frags!
  22. M

    Tridacna clams?

    So I have been thinking about buying a tridacna clam for a couple of weeks. I'm not planning to buy it soon but around late spring/early summer. I was just wondering if anyone can give me any good tips on taking care of these guys, best places to get them, personal experiences, etc. I have a...
  23. Steven91

    Maxima Clam

    Hey reefers, I need some help, my lfs has a small maxima clam (wish I would've taken a picture of it) for sale and I would love to get it though I have a few questions and would like some advice. My tank is almost a year old, running a strip of LEDs (though working on an upgrade for them), and...
  24. N

    Closeout! 4+ year old tank, all inhabitants for sale! Location I-680 and Hwy 24

    We've had this tank up for over four years. We will be sad to let these go, but we would rather find a safe local home for these guys then risk their well being by shipping them across the country. We'll upload pictures and updates in the coming days. Here's the list: Finned Friends Yellow...
  25. YourReef

    Maxima Clams- Just uploaded to the site! (3-4 Inch & 5 Inch)

    We have just uploaded a batch of Maxima Clams to the website. Several different sizes/prices available. Maxima Clam 1 3-4 Inch WYSIWYG- $99 Maxima Clam 2 3-4 Inch WYSIWYG- $99 Maxima Clam 3 - Large 5 Inch WYSIWYG- $109 Maxima Clam 5 -...
TCK Corals