
  1. mattybecks

    SNB + Marine Micro Fauna - Brackish Water - Cirolanid Isopod

    I wasnt sure what heading to use for this question so I just put all the keywords in there. I have done research online but haven't found anything to be a solid enough answer. 3 Questions in short: - Is Saltwater Nitrifying Bacteria (SNB) exactly the same bacteria as found in Brackish water...
  2. mattybecks

    Cirolanid Isopod - Just live with them, or introduce more Predators? (Blue Damsel)

    I didn't know I had these until recently. I just got back from a 3-week vacation and now I see these Isos in the early morning whilst the room is still dark, before they unlatch from the fish. (They only latch onto my sailfin tang and two tomato clownfish). They leave my group of 5 blue damsels...
  3. AlphaCasual

    Build Thread My 13.5 Nano Build.

    Slow day at work so I figured I would finally write up a build thread to document and show my progress. I started back in March this year when someone gifted me an Evo 13.5 boy what a rabbit hole I have fallen down since then. I have taken care of freshwater fish in the past, but marine is...
  4. Variant

    Observations From Using Lugol's for Live Rock Pests

    I wanted to note some of my observations from using Brightwell Aquatic's Lugol's solution to rid my live rock of pests. In hindsight, I would have been more intentional about doing this and taken photos and logs, but I figured I'd write something up. Context: This is my third attempt at using...