chromis schooling

  1. P

    How many Blue-Green Chromis can I keep in a 13.5gal QT ?

    Hello all, I currently have a 47gal DT (90/45/45cm) with a pair of clownfish and I want to add 5 small chromis. My QT setup is a 13.5gal Fluval Evo and I was wondering if it would be okay to add all 5 chromis for the 30day QT period which I will treat them with cupramine. Thank you.
  2. R

    Aggressive clownfish…stressed out chromis

    I have a new(er) 32gal nano and things were good with a 6-line, blue chromis and green chromis. The 6-line gets along with everyone and the green chromis was always the dominant one between the blue and green. long story short, I recently added a bubble tip anemone and a “captive born” O...
Ultimate Corals