
  1. SkyAquatic

    Is this Uronema on my Green Chromis?

    I recently got 4 green Chromis and a Yellowtail blue damsel. I put them in my invert QT for a week until I get my Fish QT ready to house life. I noticed on 3 of my green Chromis red sores that appear to be Uronema. Medicine is coming in this week but since the sores have appeared I’ve heard they...
  2. flakychips

    EMERGENCY Chromis suddenly greying, blackening, swimming vertically :(

    Is my Chromis dying? :( New reefer here. Quite upset by seeing ourChromis blackening / greying and possibly dying. It keeps swimming vertically in the same area and not sure what to do. It has lost a lot of colour as you can see from the first picture, the streak of blue you see is all that is...
  3. P

    How many Blue-Green Chromis can I keep in a 13.5gal QT ?

    Hello all, I currently have a 47gal DT (90/45/45cm) with a pair of clownfish and I want to add 5 small chromis. My QT setup is a 13.5gal Fluval Evo and I was wondering if it would be okay to add all 5 chromis for the 30day QT period which I will treat them with cupramine. Thank you.
  4. P

    Blue Geen Chromis with Springeri Damsels

    Hello, I have a 6’ long, 200+ tank with tons of caves, nooks and hiding spots, etc. I currently have 3 springeri damsels and wanted to know if anyone has had them in the same tank as blue green chromis. There are plenty of other fish, well at least 6 others lol, but I’m concerned there might...
  5. Hannahmunt

    What are these white spots?

    I’ve had my green chromis a couple of days, all been fine. But today I noticed all of them have these small white spots on their fins and tails… I'm not to sure what this is? have attached pictures.
  6. Hannahmunt

    What’s up with my green chromis

    A few days ago I bought one chromis to help the tank cycle and added colony. He was looking sad so today I bought two more, all have been fine swimming and eating. But itve just noticed one of them in the corner vertical not looking to good. I have attached picture. Is there anything I can do...
  7. Henressy

    Blue green chromis

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Blue green chromis. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.

    My Blue / Green Chromis is sick - Pls Help Chromeo!!!

    I noticed that my Blue/Green Chromis isn't acting normally. He has been hiding in the rockscape and there are some issues happening as of today. He might have "Hole In Head" disease. If anyone had a similar problem and can help from the video and pics below, pls help.
  9. exprobratio

    Chromis Injury?

    Just got a group of Chromis in my quarantine fish and wanted everyone’s opinion on a possible injury or disease seen on one of the fish? Looks like it’s a bruise under the scales?
  10. V

    Suggestions for next fish in aqua one 300

    Hi all I have a 300 litre tank with sump that has been running for around 6 months. I currently have a royal gramma, and two small Ocellaris clownfish. I am looking for suggestions on my next fish or few future fish. I have done some googling but articles online seem to disagree with the...
  11. jskidds2294

    Green Chromis showing signs of white/pink rash

    Hi like in my title, my new green chromis are showing sign of what I have gathered is uronema. I'm currently treating the tank with Rally/Kick Ick "kick ick as I'm also quarantining/pre treating these fish". I also just started treating with Maracyn Oxy to help with the open sores, and added...
  12. N

    Blue Green Chromis w/ white bump and dark spots.

    Hi everyone. This is my first post but have been lurking for a few months now. My tank is 5 months old and It’s my first ever aquarium. I purchased my chromis about 3 weeks ago and it’s been active and healthy. It currently is exhibiting two symptoms. 4 days ago, these grey/dark spots appeared...
  13. P

    Fish stocking question

    1 - my rock work is a series of caves and pass through, getting a problem fish out will be difficult even with a trap. 2 - Currently have 1 blood orange clown, one ocellaris (took about 10-12 days but they are best friends already thankfully) & a Midas Blenny. 3 - 75g, 4’ long with a 40g breeder...
  14. Gianluca

    Michigan WTB Looking for special chromis

    Hello! In my tank I have two blue green chromis and I would love some more. But I would like something more unique. Does anyone have non blue green chromis. Preferably sunrise chromis or yellow chromis. I live about 15 mins away from Detroit Michigan
  15. kjkaminski

    Reef Ballet - Chromis and Cherub Angelfish

    These two have been at it for over an hour. Notice how the wrasse acts like a parent and breaks it up every so often. Entertaining.
  16. Courtney & David

    EMERGENCY Two fish not looking so hot

    So I have an orange line chromis that I noticed was missing some of his tail fin about a week ago but he’s going strong and eating. I’m not noticing any bullying going on, but obviously can’t watch 24/7. Today I’ve noticed strange patches on him that I need help with. I also have a black clown...
  17. AceB9908

    Fish ID?

    Saw this guy in my LFS without a label, and I really like his coloring. I'm guessing it's a chromis based on the body, anyone know?
  18. Sleeping Giant

    My 75 gallon video

  19. ikeasuperfan

    Possible Parasite on Chromis Cyaneus?

    Hi all, I just noticed a white line dangling from my new chromis.. I was wondering if this is some sort of parasite, maybe a nematode? If so, how do I treat it? No other symptoms, and is eating fine. (Not sure why the 1st picture isn't oriented right, it was level and isn't having any trouble...
  20. nolanp489

    Injured chromis damelfish

    Hi guys, so today I noticed my chromis damselfish was injured. the base of this tail where it attaches to his body had a hole clean through and the bottom of the tail fell off. there is flesh damage where the tail meets the body. my question is will he recover from this? I put him in a breeder...
  21. J

    chromis compatibility

    I am currently planning a reef tank \with the Waterbox REEF 70.2. I am trying to figure out what livestock I want. I was thinking about adding two different types of chromis: 5 blue/green chromis and 5 Vanderbuilt chromis. I know that generally chromis are compatible with each other, but are two...
  22. IMG_20200701_212141.jpg


    My anemone and Chromis
  23. Sleeping Giant

    Chromis baby

    So, just noticed this swimming behind rock, looks like 3-4 of them. Look like baby fish, I have 2 Chromis and no other pairs of fish. It's not swimming like a Shrimp or crab Any thoughts?
  24. lazycouch

    fish help?

    hey guys i’m thinking of adding a 3rd fish to my tank (30 gallons). i currently have a young clown fish which is about 1.5 inches long and a young possum wrasse about 2 inches long. i’m planning to get this adult bluegreen chromis at the lfs who is about 3.5 inches long but i was wondering if...
  25. Sipec

    Blue/green chromis: success?

    What has your experience with blue/green chromis been? I've heard of and seen people not have great success with them, as a person thinking of getting some what should I know?
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