
  1. M

    Red Sea Reefer s-850 G2 or Waterbox Infinia 215.5

    Hi All, After practicing for 2 years on my Red Sea Reefer 250, the time has come to scale up this LPS coral passion. I am hesitating between 2 models, the Red Sea S850 and the WB infinia 215.5. I am based in the EU and in Appartement, so WB is a bit less spread here, so difficult to judge from...
  2. Ignitros

    Help choosing a wrasse or 2!

    Hey everyone! I am looking to add a wrasse or two into my tank. It is a mixed reef tank (softies, LPS and SPS) with a sand bottom, 110 gallon display 150 gallon total, screen lid cover 1/8" net. I have only a yellow watchman and a diamond watchman goby in there currently. I will be adding a...
Ultimate Corals