
  1. PocketClam

    Catseye Turbos

    I noticed a few local stores starting to carry these and they seem to stay pretty small, just a bit bigger than a trochus (maybe smaller than some of the giants at that). My question is, do these smaller turbos still eat macroalgae like their larger cousins? I mainly keep halimenia and...
  2. B

    Well I did it! Meet Valentina!

    Well I took the plunge and bought another fish for my little slice of the ocean. Meet Valentina my beautiful Chestnut Blenny! I’ll have more photos of her in the tank soon. She’s still being a bit shy but has found several places in the rockwork she likes to perch and watch the...
  3. B

    Ohio WTB Chestnut Blenny

    I'm looking for Chestnut eyelash blenny (Cirripectes castaneus). Male is preferred but anything would be fine! If anyone has a breeding pair up for sale I might be interested in that instead.