cherub angelfish

  1. yauie6347

    New Jersey New York Live Goods Cherub Angel + Royal Gramma

    -Grab both fish for $100. Fish are healthy and feeding on pellets/frozen food. -Shipping is available please message me your zip for your shipping quote. -I'm located in Brooklyn, NY 11223 and I can meet up if you're within reasonable distance.
  2. D

    Need a bit of blue! 60 gallon cube.

    Hey, new to the hobby and looking at stocking options. I’ve a 60cm or 24inch cube tank, making it 225L/ 60 gallons. It’s currently got a lot of arching structure, soft coral and 2 bubble tip anemones. I’ve got a royal gramma which I absolutely love, aswell as a pair of ocellaris clowns. I’m...
  3. Nanoreefer1999

    Cherub Angelfish bite mark on dorsal fin near his head?

    I have two clowns maybe they did it but the little cherub is swimming fine and eating well. Should I be concerned???
  4. A

    Anglefish aggression

    I have a cherub angelfish and I’m going to add a biota captive bred regal angelfish to the tank (125 gallon) and I’m worried one will kill the other I have a Acclamation box and I will keep it the regal in there for a week or two is there anything else to help I know a mirror might help.
  5. hds4216

    Cherub Angel in a 32g?

    Is a 32g cube too small for a Cherub Angel? I love them but only want to own one if I can give them a good home. It would live with a Yellow Watchman Goby and a mated pair of Clowns.
  6. Beezwax404

    Cherub Angel dead this morning

    I bought a cherub angel 6 days ago to add to my BC29 with a ocellaris and a royal gramma. The angel chased my giant gramma out of his caves and took over the rock work abd was stressing the gramma out. So two nights ago i rescaped the aquarium and since i did that the gramma was flasging and...
  7. RobertN

    Compatibility bet. Cherub Angelfish and Spotbreast Angelfish?

    Has anyone kept a Cherub Angelfish with a Spotbreast (Blackspot) Angelfish (Genicanthus melanospilos)? I have a Cherub Angelfish already in my 100g cube. I was wondering if I could add a Spotbreast Angelfish to the tank with low likelihood of trouble (I just saw one at an LFS for a good...