chemistry help

  1. pandaparties

    Raising alk without PH

    So I've noticed over time my ph is increasing with dosing for alk (wasser). The past couple months I've seen it go from pH 8.15-8.25 on a given day to 8.3-8.4, alk at 8.0. I'd like to increase my alk but I'm worried about driving my ph too high. Anyone else see this? How to fix?
  2. NexusCriteria

    The Great SPS Revolt - Fuzzy Stick Troubleshooting

    Alright R2R, Apologies for the wall of text in advance...... I've been lurking and watching similar threads for a long time, and have been in this hobby for 20+ years. I did take break for around the last 8ish years, but have never racked my brain or had so many issues keeping more finicky...
  3. Lex_510

    How to lower Phosphate??

    I have a 75gallon tank set up for about 2 years. sump has live rock, and so does the tank. Nyos120 skimmer tht only skims less than 1/2 the cup like every 10 days before I clean cup. growing Cheato. Using filter floss I clean every week or so. Refugium light is on for 8hrs and use Rodi water...
  4. L0L_Z


    Ok fellas. I’ve decided to start a 15 gallon reef. I want it to be a mixed reef with sps down the line. I’m a complete beginner but I have been researching Here’s what I’ve decided on, feel free to recommend different corals/equipment and please point me out where I’m wrong :) Equipment Aqua...
Ultimate Corals