
  1. R

    Chemiclean RUINED my tank

    So it all started with my aquarium being COMPLETELY fine, 3 months had passed since I first started it and everything was thriving including my corals. One day I notice I have some red things growing on my rocks and sand so I take it to my local fish store (WWC) and they tell me I most likely...

    Cyano, chemiclean, skimmer

    Hi treating cyano with chemiclean….. nearly all gone just doing a second dose….. I have a in tank tunzee skimmer and have took the cup off to help put O2 back in the tank…… This is putting a large amount of micro bubbles inside my tank, will this harm my fish? No corals at the min… Thanks in advance
  3. J

    Protein Skimmer Going Crazy After Chemiclean

    Hello, I just went through a round of chemiclean to battle some cyano. First off, let me say that I'm blown away with how that worked. I did 1 treatment, and it's completely gone. Might do a second treatment if I see anything creep back, but 1 treatment and it's gone. Here's my question. My...
  4. Macbalacano

    ID Please: Algae on Sand After Chemiclean Treatment

    Photos, video, and parameters below. Finished Chemiclean treatment and followed instructions closely, which completely got rid of my cyano problem and sand was super clean immediately after. However, 1 week later, I'm noticing this algae that is ONLY on my sand getting worse. I know my nitrates...
  5. fox0521

    Duncan + Chemiclean = !!!

    Hey folks! So I had a minor cyano outbreak. After chatting with some folks at my LFS, I took their advice (against my better judgement) and dosed with chemiclean. I was pretty hesitant about the use of chemicals as I am generally weary of any chemical additives. Hindsight being 20/20, I...
  6. J

    Dinos showed up while using Chemiclean

    Hi all, I've had my reef tank up for a little over a year and a half. I have learned a lot in that time, specifically that keeping a reef is much more intense than I originally thought coming from the freshwater side of the hobby. Before I decided to jump in to reef keeping, I thought all the...
  7. Evan28395950

    Chemiclean Affecting Corals?

    Hey all, I dosed the ammount recommended for my 30 gal tank. It’s been 24 hours, corals didn’t open up today. They look ok, but just not opening up. Everything else is normal. Should I be worried?
  8. jhatfield

    Identify this algae.

    Just finished a chemiclean treatment which (so far) seemed to work pretty well. No bright red cyano and the rocks look great. But, I'm left with this brown algae on the sand which I'm guessing is not cyano since it did not respond in any way to the chemiclean treatment which included a 48 hour...
  9. Bruce Burnett

    Cyano tried H2O2 for 7 days

    So I had done the H2O2 test to see if what I has was cyano, it turned pink. I dosed 30ml peroxide 3% to my system twice a day. After one week I did not see any difference. My system is about 280-300 gallons, bare bottom, small amount of detritus in tank. Running calcium reactor, GFO, Reef...
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