chemical filtration

  1. N

    New IM Nuvo 40 Build Reef Tank filter media what to use ?

    Hello Everyone , I did a thread search and couldn’t find the answer to this question specifically for the im nuvo 40 I am new to marine tanks (15 years experience in freshwater off and on) but this is my first saltwater tank. I am setting up this IM Nuvo 40 and I am wondering what I should put...
  2. J.selfmade

    Media reactor

    Hey. I’m looking to buy a media reactor probably to run carbon or gfo. I’m leaning towards the Nyos torq gen2 but the reviews aren’t that great. what are the top of the line reactors and easy to replace media?
  3. J

    Best Nano reef tank Filtration

    I started up my 12 gallon all in one cube reef tank, have a pair of clowns and am adding coral over time. Right now currently have just live rock in one chamber and regular sponge in the first. Just trying to figure out if protein skimmer is necessary, carbon or anything else. I’ve done...
  4. BattlestarAquarium

    Membrane based aquarium dialysis

    I am doing training to learn about peritoneal dialysis, which uses diffusion across a membrane to remove waste products from people with kidney failure. Has anyone heard of using a membrane and freshly mixed saltwater to remove nitrogen/replenish trace elements this way?
  5. Reefer37

    Media Reactors vs Calcium Reactors

    So I'm completely new to reactors and got an IM reactor in a recent tank pick up. I guess my question is, what is the difference between media reactor vs a calcium reactor? Can you use one for the other or are they completely independent?
  6. Reefer37

    Should I Change Out Carbon?

    So I'm still learning, but when I got my tank 4 months ago, it came with carbon bags. I'm not sure how old they were or how long they were used, but I never replaced them with new carbon when I started the tank up. One I ended up switching out for Chemi-pure Elite and still haven't touched the...
  7. G

    Filtration, What’s your favorite?

    There are a million different combinations for filtering a tank. What does everyone run? Refugium? If so what macro? ZeoVit? Triton? A combination?
  8. ArialReef

    Purigen, SeaGel, or Both?

    I'm gonna use it in my 5 gal sump that is connected to my 8 gal DT. I'm planning to buy Matrix and one Purigen or SeaGel, or should I use both of them together?