
  1. Guzman333

    Questions for after I cycle my tank.

    Ok, so I am getting ready to finish my cycle in a fluval 13.5, and have a few questions. I just put some snails in and a tiger conch and they seem to be doing just fine; however my nitrites are not quite 0, but not .25 either. 1st: is it safe to put corals in with trace nitrites? 2nd: what...
  2. markon87

    Chemi pure elite GSP closed

    Hi All, Has anyone else had problems with running chemi-pure elite and their GSP. My GSP had closed up when I started running chemi-pure elite. It's been maybe 4 days that my GSP is closed. Nothing else changed in the system except swapping chemi-pure blue for elite. My nitrates and...
  3. BanZI29

    need a filter pad recommendation to filter out fine particles.

    does anyone know of a filter that is good for taking out fine particles in water? and what filter would be good for a small reactor to keep fine particles like chemi-pure inside the reactor? Please and thank you :)
  4. ScubaFish802

    Do You Run Carbon 24/7 or Never?

    Yesterday I saw a post on R2R that started me down a rabbit hole I didn't even know existed. As someone who has always run a "high quality" carbon in their filtration I never thought twice about it. However, it appears there is quite the debate on running a carbon source in an aquarium. After...
  5. ReefBud508

    Chemi Pure + Phosguard?

    I was wondering does anyone know if it is ok to use chemi pure elite and Phosguard in filtration at same time? I didn't know for sure if for some odd reason mixing the two would have any kind of negative affect on my tank which i wouldn't think so saying its removing things out of my tank not...
  6. Reefer37

    Should I Change Out Carbon?

    So I'm still learning, but when I got my tank 4 months ago, it came with carbon bags. I'm not sure how old they were or how long they were used, but I never replaced them with new carbon when I started the tank up. One I ended up switching out for Chemi-pure Elite and still haven't touched the...
  7. seitzjh

    Boyd Grande Chemi-pure question

    I bought some Boyd Grande Chemi-pure from LFS and it had a lot of moister in it. It had enough to start dripping out of the nylon bag. My question is bought brand new is it supposed to come moist or dry?
  8. MarineDepot

    Which Chemi-Pure Should You Use: Original, Elite, Blue, or Green?

    Which Chemi-Pure Should You Use: Original, Elite, Blue, or Green? VIDEO: Find out the differences between each type of Chemi-Pure filter media!
  9. C

    GHA Issue and Plan of Attack

    Hello All, I have newly established RSM E 170 that is just over a month old. I know this subject has been beat to death but I am very frustrated with the explosion of GHA in my tank. Currently my Phospates are at .08ppm and Nitrates are at 0. These levels have remained constant for a week...
  10. Premiumaq

    Pinpoint pH Probe Special | Vortech 10-20% OFF

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